  • 學位論文


Research on the process of female leaders' community participation

指導教授 : 吳明烈


本研究旨在探討女性領導者社區參與的歷程。研究目的可分為四項:了解女性領導者社區參與的動機;分析女性領導者社區參與的作法與風格;探究女性領導者社區參與的困境及因應方式;探討女性領導者社區參與的影響等四項。研究主要採用半結構式訪談法,篩選八個女性領導者進行深度訪談。 根據文獻探討、訪談資料作分析與討論,本研究共獲致以下各項結論: 一、女性領導者社區參與動機多重,包含促進自我成長與實現、延續對家庭的關愛、建立人脈關係、善盡社會的責任及偶然機緣的觸發五項。 二、女性領導者領導社區參與展現積極主動之作法與互動式的領導風格,女性領導者領導社區參與展現積極主動之作法,分別從人力資本、財力資本與社會資本三個面向來說明;在人力資本的作法採「落實終身學習帶動社區進步」、「以身作則帶動書香社區」、「開辦研習課程提升成員能力」、「培育種子幹部帶動成員學習」這四項;在財力資本的作法採「爭取經費發展社區產業」和「結合社區產業提升環境品質」;而運用社會資本的作法採「召開會議凝聚共識提振社區意識」、「主動發聲參與決策制定」、「建立資源交流平台整合多元資源」、「舉辦社區活動聯絡居民情感」、「善用媒體文宣形成良善循環」共五項;而女性領導者互動式的領導風格包括互動式的關懷領導、包容網的領導、整合的領導三種。 三、女性領導者社區參與面臨的困境,包括資源來源缺乏、人際網絡待建構與強化、溝通機制不良、地方派系利益及組織發展歷程面臨衝突等五項;其因應之道為「積極提報計畫申請經費」、「培訓志工挹注人力」、「發展產業財務自主」、「建構綿密的人際網絡」、「提升溝通品質架構跨領域合作」、「繼續深耕社區並尋求地方支援」、「探究組織發展歷程提早因應」等七項。 四、女性領導者社區參與均對個人、家庭與社區帶來影響;對個人帶來成長與進步,為家庭營造美好關係,家人情感更濃,營造社區溫馨的氛圍,影響居民積極參與社區活動,提升社區生活品質。 本研究依據研究結果,分別針對女性社區領導者、內政部行政部門,以及未來相關研究等三方面提出建議。


女性領導者 社區 社區參與


This study aims to discuss the community participation and progresses of female leaders. The objective of this study can be seen from four main perspectives, which are any understanding of the motives, analysis of working manners, predicaments and responses, and concrete impact of female leaders’ participation in community. The Semi-structured Interviews is adopted and applied to eight selected female leaders for in-depth interviews. According to the literature review, discussion and analysis of collected information, four conclusions are obtained as following. First, there is a wide variety of motives for female leaders to participate in community, including helping materialize oneself, extending love and caring of family, building connections, offering social responsibility and unexpected opportunities. Second, the methods that female leaders put into action aggressively can be observed and classified in three categories: human capital, finance capital, and social capital. For human capital, that life-long learning orientation, leading by personal example to read, hosting workshops for self-progresses and cultivating crew to help others to advance is all executed. For finance capital, winning over funds to develop community industry as well as combining community industry to enhance environmental quality are performed. For social capital, gathering a community consensus to arouse community awareness, voicing and participating in policy decision voluntarily, setting up interactive platform for resources, having community love feast, and taking advantage of mass media are mainly included. The interactive leading styles of female leaders embrace caring leadership, forgiving leadership and integrating leadership. Third, female leaders are in the face of different difficult positions, including lack of resources, reinforcement of people connection, unhealthy communication, interests of regional cliques and confrontation of organization development. The solutions to these issues cover items such as applying for project funds, training volunteers, developing industry finance independence, establishing discreet interpersonal relationship, boosting commutation quality and interdisciplinary cooperation, carrying on devotion to community and seeking for local aids, last but not least, probing into solutions of early organization development. Finally, female leaders bring influences to individual, family and community. They gain ground in self-improvement, having sweet and happy families, creating warm community atmosphere in order to encourage community residents to take part in community activities and improve living qualities more zealously. In accordance with the study result, the related suggestions are addressed on female community leadership, an executive branch of Ministry of the Interior, and future possible associated studies.


內政部社會司 (2012)。社區發展。網址:http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/06/new06.htm。
王大方(1996)。玻璃天花板:管理女性 V.S 女性領導。台北:時報文化。
