  • 學位論文


A Research of Female Business Leaders Participating and Leading in Public Welfare Organizations

指導教授 : 易青雲


由於社會變遷,女性投入勞動市場,憑藉自身的學識與努力,在企業中表現不凡。有許多女性投身參與公益社團,而公益團體的茁壯,也證明了女性在企業以外的領域也能運籌帷幄、績效亮眼。本研究從企業女性領導者的角度,以深度訪談法蒐集八位女性企業領導者其參與並領導公益社團的動機與歷程並加以分析。研究發現: 研究對象參與公益社團的動機,主要屬於利他主義與利己主義兩種類型為主。公益團體本身的組織目的,就是在於透過各種慈善與社區活動的舉辦,達到幫助他人進行社會服務的目的。同時,加入相關的公益社團,也可以增加自己的交友圈,拓展人脈,進一步達到協助自己事業能夠成長的目的。 在社團參與的歷程中,包含人際關係、承擔責任、活動舉辦、奉獻無私精神的展現、領導與學習,以及女性特質的發揮和參與公益對子女以身作則等,都是參與公益社團之後,女性社團領導人的參與歷程。 因為女性願意傾聽、重視合作與人際關係的特質,在公益社團當中,無論活動舉辦或者待人處事方面,比較容易出現細膩柔軟的特質,而能夠穿透社會服務所需。這表示,女性一直是整個社團工作團隊中最重要的潤滑劑。 關鍵詞:企業女性領導者、公益社團、參與動機、利他主義


Due to social changes, women have entered the labor market, and with their own knowledge and efforts, they have performed well in enterprises. There are many women involved in public welfare organizations, and the growth of public welfare organizations also proves that women can devise strategies and perform well in fields other than enterprises. From the perspective of female corporate leaders, this research uses in-depth interviews to collect and analyze the motivations and processes of eight female corporate leaders to participate in and lead public welfare organizations. The findings are as follows: The motivation of the women to participate in charity associations mainly belongs to two types: altruism and egoism. The purpose of the organization itself is to help others to provide social services through the organization of various charitable and community activities. At the same time, by joining relevant charity organizations, you can also increase your circle of friends, expand your contacts, and further achieve the goal of helping your career grow. In the process of participating in the community, including interpersonal relationships, taking responsibility, organizing activities, showing the selfless spirit of dedication, leadership and learning, as well as the display of femininity and participation in public welfare, setting an example for children, etc. The main course of participation of community leaders. In charity associations, women are more likely to have delicate and soft characteristics which can penetrate the needs of social services. This means that women have always been the most important lubricants in the entire community work team, so it is easy to build relationships with people in the team. Keywords: female corporate leaders, charity organizations, motivation for participation, altruism


