  • 學位論文


A Study on The Leadership Styles and Leading Traits of High Level Female Managers

指導教授 : 胡為善


中文摘要 本研究旨在探討我國女性主管領導風格與特質。進一步探討與女性主管共事之同事與部屬所認知之女性主管所具備之領導風格與特質。而研究方法係採問卷調查法,將自編之「女性主管領導風格與特質」調查問卷分為A卷及B卷,分別以女性主管及與女性主管共事之同事與部屬為研究對象。根據調查資料分析結果以因素分析、單因子變異數分析等統計方法得到以下結論: 一、 根據因素分析將女性主管具備之領導風格與特質建構為十六個構面分別為:「工作企圖心」「柔性管理」「工作至上」「細心沉著」「互動」「協調能力」「電腦能力」「自我學習」「社交能力」「內斂」「工作態度」「面對挑戰」「勇於嘗試」「自我要求」「主動領導」和「好勝心」。 二、 除了年齡、學歷、家中排行、產業類別和工作年資不同之女性主管,其已具備之領導風格與特質具有顯著性的差異外,其餘背景變項之女性主管已具備領導風格與特質並無顯著不同。 三、與女性主管共事之同事與部屬認為女性主管之領導風格與特質建構為七個構面分別為「愉悅工作環境」「實事求是」「情緒管理」「求進步」「資源分享」「大我為重」「互動與鼓勵」。 四、 不同工作年資之同事與部屬在對女性主管應具備之領導才能認知存在顯著差異,其餘背景變項之同事與部屬認知無顯著差異。 根據問卷調查結果,針對五位高階女性主管進行深度訪談,藉由近距離接觸更進一步了解、感受女性主管之領導風格與特質最後提出研究發現與結論及對未來研究方向之建議。


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to discuss the styles and characteristics of female managers’ leadership. Furthermore, the author explored the styles and characteristics of female leaders by obtaining her colleagues’ and subordinates’ points of view. In order to accomplish this, the author used the survey research method and the instrument entitled “The Styles and Characteristics of Female Managers’ Leadership.” There are two parts, A and B, of the survey corresponding to the different targets of study, the female manager and her colleagues and subordinates, respectively. The response data were analyzed by using factor analyses, one-way ANOVA …etc. According to the results of the surveys and the data analyses, the conclusions of the study are as following: I. According to the factor analyses, the styles and characteristics of female managers’ leadership is constituted of sixteen aspects: “Attempt on Job,” “Gentle and Flexible Management,” “Primacy of Job,” “Circumspection and Calm,” “Interaction,” “Coordinate Ability,” “Computerized Ability,” “Self-Learning,” “Socialized Ability,” “Intention and Connotation,” “Work Attitude,” “Challenge Facing,” “Courage of Trying,” “Self-Request,” “Aggressive Leadership,” and “Indomitable.” II. Only female managers with different “age,” “educational background,” “the ranking of sibling,” “category of industry,” and “working experience” had significant differences in their style and characteristic of leadership. Most female managers with the rest of background factors had a similar style and characteristic of leadership. III. In colleagues’ and subordinates’ view, the styles and characteristics of female managers’ leadership is constituted of seven aspects: “Joyful Working Environment,” “Seeking Truth from Facts,” “Management of Emotion,” “Progressive,” “Resource Sharing,” “Sacrifice,” and “Interaction and Encouragement.” IV. The view of colleagues and subordinates with different working experiences had significant differences in the styles and characteristics of female managers’ leadership. The colleagues and subordinates with the rest of background factors had a similar view of the styles and characteristics of female managers’ leadership. A picture of female leadership is created from the surveys, from deeply interviewing five high-level female managers, and from closely contacting, understanding, and perceiving with the styles and characteristics of female managers. The recommendations for further research are based on the findings and the conclusions of this study.


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