  • 學位論文


The influence of knowledge types and learning styles for fifth grade students on E-learning achievements

指導教授 : 陳姚真


本研究旨在探討國小五年級學生在數位學習環境中,使用不同呈現方式的教材來學習有關「海洋樣貌與運動」等內容後,其學習成就的差異情形,並深入比較知識類別和學習風格在其中的影響。研究採不等組前後測的準實驗設計,研究對象為雲林縣偏鄉兩所小學共四班的五年級學生,先檢測研究對象的學習風格類型,再分成兩組,一組使用靜態網頁教材,另一組則使用動態網頁教材來進行學習活動。 學習活動結束後,再針對學習成就測驗的結果進行單因子共變數分析,比較使用不同呈現方式的教材對學習成就的影響。除此之外,更比較使用不同呈現方式的教材來學習不同知識類別的內容,及對不同類型的學習風格者所產生的影響。 本研究的結論如下: 1.使用動態網頁教材的學習成就優於靜態網頁教材。 2.知識類別和教材呈現對學習成就有顯著影響:學習「事實性知識」時,使用動態網頁教材較好;學習「概念性知識」時,使用動態網頁教材和靜態網頁教材則無差異。 3.學習風格和教材呈現對學習成就的影響不顯著。


This research intends to investigate the difference in learning achievements among fifth grade students when applying different teaching materials presenting ‘Oceanic Scenes and Activities’ in E-learning environment. In addition, the research also aims to compare the influence between types of knowledge and learning styles during the teaching process. Pre-test/Post-test non-equivalent group was adopted for quasi-experimental designs. Test subjects are students from four fifth grade classes in rural townships of Yunlin County. Subjects’ learning styles was evaluated then divided into two groups; one group was presented with static web page, the other was presented with dynamic web page for learning. After learning activities were completed, one way ANCOVA was conducted on the results of learning achievement test to compare the influence of different teaching materials on learning achievement. In addition, this research also compares how different presentations of teaching materials were applied for different types of knowledge, and then the influence on students with different learning styles. The following conclusions are drawn: 1.The application of dynamic web page leads to better learning achievements than static web page. 2.The influence of knowledge types and teaching material presentation on learning achievement is significant. When learning factual knowledge, dynamic web page is more effective; when learning conceptual knowledge, the difference in effectiveness is minimal. 3.The influence of learning styles and teaching material presentation on learning achievement is not significant.


施賀建(2003)。學習風格與方式對學習成效之影響 - 以互動式與否為基礎。中原大學資訊管理學系碩士學位論文。
