  • 學位論文


A Study on Job Stress and Coping Strategies of Teachers in the Affiliated Kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City, Taiwan.

指導教授 : 魏惠娟


本研究旨在瞭解臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師工作壓力與因應策略之現況,並分析不同背景變項之幼兒園教師其工作壓力與因應策略的差異情形,進而探討臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師於工作壓力與因應策略間的關聯性。為達上述目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以102學年度任教於臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師為研究對象,總計發出問卷數量292份,回收有效問卷為270份,可用率為97.83%。所得資料透過SPSS統計套裝軟體加以分析,分別採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson’s product-moment correlation)以及迴歸(Regression)等統計方法加以分析和探討,並將開放性問題填答內容以質性方法進行彙整討論,期能以質量並行的方式,使研究結果臻於詳實。本研究結果如下: 一、臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師之整體工作壓力感受度為中等程度。其中以「工作負荷」層面的壓力感受度最高,其次依序為「工作回饋」、「班級教學」與「人際關係」等層面之工作壓力。 二、臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師整體因應策略之感受屬於中高度因應程度。其中最常採用的因應策略為「理性思考」,其次依序為「解決問題」、「尋求支持」與「自我調適」等層面之因應策略。 三、不同背景變項之臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師,在整體工作壓力有顯著差異,「服務年資2年以上」、「有兼任行政工作」、「正式教師」在整體工作壓力感受程度較大。 四、「31歲以上」、「已婚」、「服務年資2年以上」、「有兼任行政工作」、「正式教師」之臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師在「工作負荷」層面壓力感受程度較大。 五、「服務年資2~5年」、「正式教師」之臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師在「工作回饋」層面壓力感受程度較大。 六、「單身」之幼兒園教師在「自我調適」層面,其因應策略採用情形較多。 七、臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師在工作壓力中的「工作負荷」層面與「整體因應策略層面」達到顯著的正相關;而工作壓力中的「班級教學」、「人際關係」層面與「整體因應策略層面」,達到顯著負相關。 八、臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師在工作壓力中的「工作回饋」層面與因應策略中的「解決問題」層面之間,達顯著的正相關。 九、臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師工作壓力對因應策略有解釋力,在工作壓力各層面中以「班級教學」對整體因應策略最具解釋力。 十、根據開放性問題填答彙整臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師工作困擾情形如下: (一) 工作負荷層面:行政工作繁多、兼任行政但經驗不足、工作量大、背負招生壓力、時間壓力、承擔責任過重。 (二) 工作回饋層面:園所人力不足,補休及請事病假造成困擾、工作不被認同、教師不受尊重。 (三) 班級教學層面:幼兒行為問題多、外力干擾教學、班級經營困難、教學經驗不足、分層次教學實施困難。 (四) 人際關係層面:親師溝通、同儕溝通、上級溝通不佳問題。 十一、根據開放性問題填答彙整臺南市公立國小附設幼兒園教師因應策略情形如下: (一) 解決問題層面:參酌自己或他人經驗解決、主動尋求各種資源及資訊解決問題、直接面對工作問題解決它、適時表達自己意見以解決問題。 (二) 理性思考層面:冷靜思考想出解決之道、找出問題癥結所在,並選擇最適宜的方案、和同事討論共商對策、自我反省。 (三) 自我調適層面:做自己有興趣的活動,調劑身心、放鬆紓解壓力、旅遊紓解壓力、調整自己心態。 (四) 尋求支持層面:尋求上級或同事的協助及建議、尋求專家的意見及協助、尋求同事及親友的支持及鼓勵、尋求相同領域的人給予協助。 最後針對研究發現與結論,分別就教育行政機關、學校、幼兒園教師及未來研究者提出建議事項,俾供參考。 關鍵詞:工作壓力、因應策略、公立國小附設幼兒園


Abstract The study is to understand the situation of job stress and coping strategies of teachers in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City, to find the differences of job stress and coping strategies between teachers of different background variety and the relationship of job stress and coping strategies of kindergarten teachers. In the study, 292 questionnaires have been used towards teachers in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in the School Year of 102 in Tainan City. 270 questionnaires received have been found effective, the effective percentage of questionnaires is 97.83%. The collected data have been analyzed by the effective data has been analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and Regression. And answers to the open questions have been discussed in Qualitative way to reach the conclusion. In this study, data have analyzed in both quantitive perspective as well as in qualitative ways. The result showed that: 1、 As a whole, the job stress of teachers in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City is in middle level. Teachers affected the most by workload; feedback from the work and teaching practice in the class the next, interpersonal relationship followed. 2、 As a whole, the coping strategies of teachers in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City are in higher-middle level. “Solving problems with reason” has been used the most, followed by “problem-solving”, “Support-seeking” , ”self-adjustment”. 3、 Teachers of different background variety in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City have significant differences in job stress as a whole. Teachers serve more than 2 Years of Experience, those who serve administrative job as well as teaching and permanent teachers have higher degree of stress. 4、 Teachers of age above 31, married, those who serve more than 2 Years of Experience, those who serve administrative job as well as teaching and permanent teachers have higher degree of stress in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City. 5、 Teachers who serve more than 2-5 Years of Experience and permanent teachers have higher degree of stress in the aspect of “work feedback” in affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City. 6、 Teachers who are single in marriage status use more coping strategies. 7、 In the aspect of “workload”, “coping strategies as a whole” of teachers in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City are positive related. 8、 In the aspect of “work feedback” in work stress, “problem-solving” in coping strategies of teachers in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City have significant positive related. 9、 The work stress of teachers in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City is predictable to their coping strategies, in all aspects of workload; the most predictable one is class teaching. 10、 According to the answer to the open questions, the bothering situation in work of Teachers in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City can be sum up as followed: (1) In the aspect of workload: overload of administrative work, lack of experience of administrative work, responsibility of recruit students, time pressure as well as overload of responsibility bother teachers the most. (2) In the work feedback aspect: lack of human power in kindergarten make it difficult to apply for sick leave or vacation; dissatisfactory to work effort and unrespect to teachers bother teachers the most. (3) In class teaching aspect: behavior problems of young children, bothering from other power, difficulties in management of class, lack of teaching experience and difficulties in practice of teaching bother teachers the most. (4) In interpersonal aspect: the difficulties of communication of teacher-parent, colleague and superiors bother teachers the most. 11、 According to the answer to the open questions, the coping strategies of teachers in the affiliated kindergarten of Public Elementary School in Tainan City can be sum up as followed: (1) In problem-solving aspect: those have been mostly used: take reference from experience of self or others, find source or information to solve the problem, face the problem directly, express personal opinion and solve problems. (2) In thinking with reason aspect, those strategies have been used mostly: think and find solutions, find crux, choose a proper way to solve, discuss with colleagues and self-examine. (3) In self adjustment aspect: those strategies have been used mostly: doing interesting activities, relax to relieve the stress, travel, and self-adjustment. (4) In support-seeking aspect, those strategies have been used mostly: seek support and advice from superiors and colleagues, ask help from experts, find support and encouragement from colleagues and families, and search for professions help from people of the same territory. Suggestions have been made according to findings and conclusions of the study for the reference of Educational Administrative organizations, schools, kindergarten teachers and future researches. Key words: job stress, coping strategies, kindergarten of Public Elementary School




