  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林泰和


本文所探討主題是美國情報體系中的承包制缺失,並透過愛德華‧史諾登洩密事件作切入點,史諾登是一名資訊分析師,受雇於美國國安局情報承包商博斯艾倫,史諾登發現美國政府藉由反恐名義進行全面網路監控並儲存巨量的資訊後,決定在美國國安局夏威夷分站工作時,私下攜帶出大量的機密資料潛逃香港後,再轉到俄羅斯取得居留權,並經由媒體向全球披露。 稜鏡計畫除了監控外國威脅外,竟也包括美國國民與美國盟友,引發各界對於網路隱私、自由與盟國信任危機等問題。   美國政府在冷戰結束後精簡預算,導致國防事業高度外包後,使情報作業面臨困境,而在面臨國安威脅多元化下,為求快速重建情報作戰的能力,政府選擇與民間企業緊密合作,但因為任用人員審查過程瑕疵、情報監督單位的失職與國際環境的威脅,導致民間承包公司的員工容易取得高級的安全許可後,可接觸機密訊息不受限制,導致了史諾登事件的發生。   至今美國仍無法得知遭竊資料的確切數量與種類,而史諾登至今仍滯留俄羅斯不願回國受審,雖然在歐巴馬總統的限制監聽保證下,美國人民與受監聽的美國盟友反彈力道逐漸減弱,但在國家安全與個人自由的論戰不會停歇。


美國國安局 承包制 史諾登


This theme is discuss the faults in contract system of the U.S. intelligence community, and use Edward Snowden a Whistle Blower for example, Snowden was a contractor worked for NSA (National Security Agency, NSA)intelligence analyst contractor Booz Allen (Booz Allen) in the United States. At June 2013, Snowden left the NSA sub-station at Hawaii, also carried large amounts of national security secrets files to Hong Kong, and exposed the U.S. global monitoring plan through the media, especially the Prism Program to monitoring and interception the comprehensive network data, triggering crisis for internet privacy, freedom and allies trust and other issues. This theme also discuss the dilemma of U.S. government relies on the military industry outsourcing heavily, since end of the Cold War, because the U.S. government agencies cut budget every year, and it gets compressed the space of intelligence agencies, and face the different type threats in twenty-one century, the U.S. government chose to work with the private contractor, but due to the mistake of the background check, intelligence oversight out of function and international environment complicated, make contracting company employees get advanced security permission easily, or leak those secrets. Until now, the US government still does not know how many exactly the number and type of stolen data, and Snowden still staying in Russia unwilling to return for trial, although President Obama gave the guarantee for limit the scale of monitoring American people and U.S. allies, but there is still a fight between national security and human liberty.


Contract system Snowden NSA


Vickers Robert, Jr., “Intelligence Reform: Problems and Prospects”, BREAKTHROUGHS, VOL XIV, NO. 1(2005), pp.3-9.
“All About Security Clearances”, U.S. Department of State,
http://www.state.gov/m/ds/clearances/c10978.htm, Last Accessed on September 27, 2013.
