  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡育岱


南海主權爭端近來為全球的焦點,已呈現國際化、複雜化、擴大化及爭端透明化的趨勢,而美國與中國關係之發展向來為國際關係學者關注之焦點,近十年來,中國快速的發展,其經濟、軍事與外交的影響力,已逐漸威脅到美國原在亞太地區的強權,對於中國不斷向外擴展的策略下,中國若干輿論有意將南海問題提升至其「核心利益」的位階,此一提法將促使美國對南海問題採取更強硬的立場,一改其過去所持的中立不介入的立場,美國不得不重回亞洲地區,正視全球第二大經濟體所帶來的威脅。 隨著歐巴馬上台以來,美國將外交重心重新移回亞洲;在此同時,亞太區域安全亦隨著亞洲各國之間長期以來的歷史糾結與矛盾,而產生許多動盪與不安,南海主權問題為促使亞太區域進入嚴重爭端與紛擾的來源。因此美國在亞太所扮演之角色便相當重要,一舉一動都成為亞太各國背後算計的焦點。在這樣的背景之下,便針對美國在亞太區域爭端四起之下所制定的亞太戰略進行分析之研究動機,以清楚瞭解美國亞太政策形成之背景、戰略意涵,以及它對亞太各國,包含中國所造成之可能影響與衝擊,做一分析。 而美國宣示重返亞洲與中國在海洋主權議題上轉趨強硬的發展,都攸關區域的安全與穩定,值得持續關注。因此,本文以歷史研究途徑,分析美國自歐巴馬總統上台以來所制定的亞太戰略與政策,根據其架構加以探究。


South China Sea sovereignty dispute has become the focus of the world, presenting international, complicate or escalate disputes and transparency trend. The development of US-China relations have always been the focus of the international relations scholars. Over the past decade, the rapid development of China, its economic, military and diplomatic influence, has gradually threat to the United States in the Asia Pacific power. For the Chinese strategy of expanding outward, China intends to upgrade the South China Sea issue become "core interests" level. This reference will enable the United States to take a tougher stance on the South China Sea issue, changing its previous holdings of non-intervention in the neutral position. The United States had to return to the region and focus the threats that China makes it. Since Obama took office, U.S. will focus the Asia region again. At the same time, the Asia-Pacific regional security is also entangled with the history and long-standing conflict between the Asian countries, while generating a lot of turmoil and unrest. South China Sea sovereignty dispute is the troubles of origin in the Asia-Pacific region. So the United States will play a very important role in the Asia Pacific, its behavior will become the focus of the Asia-Pacific region. At this time, understanding the US Asia-Pacific policy, strategic implications, as well as its Asia-Pacific countries, including the possible impact and shock caused by the Chinese is very important. The United States proclaimed return to Asia with China on maritime sovereignty issue has become more hard-line development. It includes security and stability in the region and must be attention. Therefore, the study will use historical avenues of research, analysis of the US Asia-Pacific strategy since President Barack Obama took office.




姜皇池,國際海洋法(下冊)( 臺北:學林出版社,2004年)。
