  • 學位論文


China’s Foreign Aid Study - Case Study of Sudan

指導教授 : 趙文志


中國在近幾年來,轉變為「慷慨的援助國」,而中國特有的援助模式,引起國際社會的批評,認為中國有剝削之意圖,並質疑中國所主張之不干涉內政、不附加條件之原則,並未因此而提升援助有效性。從中國援助蘇丹的歷程發現,中國對蘇丹的援助模式緊密結合經濟戰略目標,在1990年代西方國家、國際組織外援中斷、減緩,並採取經濟制裁之際,中國適時的提供蘇丹援助,加速兩國間的合作,舉凡所有基礎建設、能源建設、農業、工業領域,都可以看到中國積極投入援助開發,不可否認,中國對蘇丹的公共基礎建設有極大貢獻,但如此援助條件門檻較低、限制寬鬆的方式,卻也為蘇丹帶來隱憂,中國多次直接給予優惠貸款、無息貸款,卻無條件限制,不需進行財政調整,使得蘇丹債務不斷持續增加,且援助特定產業,侷限蘇丹整體發展,大型專案由中方主導,使蘇丹失去自主建設的能力。 事實上,中國對蘇丹的援助並非無附加條件,且如表面上的慷慨,而是透過經濟槓桿操作來執行,藉由提供蘇丹基礎設施項目貸款,在執行層面上進行利益交換,輸出中國企業、勞動力、設備和原物料,並要求蘇丹以穩定提供能源為還款要件。總結中國對蘇丹的援助,似乎有違「負責任的大國」,雖然近來中國欲以亞洲基礎設施投資銀行,參與多邊架構的援助,但相較於西方國家,中國透過國際組織或多邊機構給予蘇丹援助的比例甚少,並且無附帶條件之說,同時也意味著對蘇丹的援助缺乏關注和承諾,這與國際社會援助潮流之側重點,背道而馳。


經濟制裁 經濟戰略 援助 中國 經濟槓桿


Recently China face lots of criticism from International society because China becomes a “generous donors” by a unique aid model. The most crucial points are China’s principal of “non-interference” and “no conditions”, which may not consider an effective aid approach comparing with other traditional donors. To analysis the history of Chinese aid to Sudan, we found that the pattern of China's assistance to Sudan almost based on its economic statecraft. Especially in the 1990s, the western countries and International organization execute economic sanctions, which made Sudan have to looking for other resource for foreign aid and economic. Meanwhile, China’s foreign aid and economic cooperation promptly assistant Sudan, and they started to establish close partnership rapid, involved in all infrastructure, energy sector, agriculture and industry. No doubt, China did huge contribution on Sudan’s development, however, such low standard aid condition on giving financial aid and non-interference of domestic structure adjustment; it may bring about negative impacts. Such as increase debts, aid to specific sector limit Sudan’s long term and comprehensive development, most projects leads by China cannot let Sudan independence etc.. In fact, China's foreign aid to Sudan is as generous as China said, China use economic leverage to let Sudan align with them for the national interests.


中華人民共和國國務院,「國務院公報」,1964 年1 月23日,網址:http://www.gov
Evan S. Medeiros著,李柏彥譯,中共的國際行為(臺北:國防部史政編譯室,
