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Strategies of China's Foreign Aid- A Geostrategic Perspective




China used to be one of the countries with highly underdeveloped economy in the world, and the great famine from 1950 to 1960 left a deep scar on the people from last generation.However, since its economic reform in the late 1970, China's GDP has risen to the world's number two, second only to the United States.After the expansion of its economic power, its political power has become an important indicator of its national power in the international community.To break through the containment of American rebalance policy in Asia, China has been actively promoting its "the Belt and Road" strategy. China also attempts to meet the needs for China's new reform and economic transformation, to help counter American "New Silk Road" strategy in the Middle East and Central Asia and to respond to .American counter and balance against China from the east and the sea lines.The most specific tactics is to aid geostrategic countries through its increasing economic power.Thus, to understand China's future course of action, this study intends to analyze the current ways of China's foreign aids and their influence on the economic and national strategies in developing countries through the analysis of China's relief action for Nepal's earthquake victims and the economic and military corporation with Pakistan in countering India.
