  • 學位論文


The advanced age participates in Le Ling studying to research the physical and moral integrity influence - take Miaoli County as an example

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨教授


中文摘要 本研究是以參與102年度苗栗8所樂齡學習中心的在學學員為對象,探討中高齡樂齡學習者參與樂齡學習對其身心健康之影響。希望藉由研究結果,提供縣府教育主管機關或樂齡學習中心規劃樂齡學習課程之參考。本研究採問卷調查法,以林麗惠教授 ( 2009 )為教育部做調查所研發的 「 樂齡學習中心學員滿意度調查表 」 為基礎,根據本研究的對象及範圍酌予修改部分問題而發展出 「 中高齡者參與樂齡學習對其身心健康影響問卷調查表 」 作為本研究工具。 本研究發現如下: 一、受試者參與樂齡學習的整體情形:學習年齡層偏高,女性學員居多;且年紀愈大,教育程度愈低者參與學習率愈高;健康狀況不影響學習;經濟夠用是重要因素。 二、參與樂齡學習形態方面:參與類別以興趣休閒佔大多數;參加樂齡學習中心的學習年資已1- 2 年為最多,參加學習的時數以二日四小時為最多。 根據研究發現,本研究結論如下: 一、目前苗栗樂齡學習中心近況:以女性居多,以小學程度人數最多;健康狀況方面,有慢性病受試者以三個月拿一次藥最多;在經濟方面,已大致夠用的人居大多數;參與的課程類別以興趣休閒人數最多;以參與二天四小時的課程者人數最多;參與年資以兩年為最大宗。 二、樂齡學習者之身心健康表現並不因性別、年齡、教育程度等變項不同有所影響,但因健康狀況、經濟狀況等變項不同有所影響。 三、樂齡學習者的身心健康表現不因課程類別之不同有所影響,但每週參與學習活動天數、參與課程數目以及參與樂齡學習年資多寡有所影響。參與學習活動多、課程數目多及學習年資長者身心健康表現較良好。 基於上述研究發現與結論,研究者提出一下建議,以提供教育單位、樂齡學習機構、樂齡學習者在制定樂齡學習中心政策、研擬規畫學習活動及改善課程安排之參考: 一、多元授課方式 二、加強服務人員專業能力 三、有效宣傳增加參與率 四、提供配套措施 五、課程規劃貼近中高齡者需求 六、學習者可以建議開課需求 七、後續研究者的建議


Aabstract Research this in order to participate in eaight happy learning education resource centre advanced age student in studying,county of Miaoli,for less than 102 year as the target,the purpose of this rescarch was to explore the scnior learncers'mental health.Hope to offer the government education authorities or senior learning center planning senior learning courses of folk organization with th result og study. This research adop the investigation method of the guestuonnaire, with counselor Li-Hui Lin ( 2012 ) Based on 「Senior Learning Center student satisfaction survey」doveloped tentatively, give according to demand social of research this as one thinks fit, revuse some characters and develop, appwae as 「The elderly seniors involved in learning their physical and mental health questionnaire」, appear as originally grinding study carefully tools. The discovery of this research is as folloes: 1、Experimenters participate in the whole situation of study:Study the age level a bit high, women students are in the majority; And age heavy, educztion degree getting low to participate in learing rate to be high; Participate in 1-2 years senior learning in the education resource center; And state of health does not affect learning; economic factors are important enough. 2、Senior participation in learning patterns: Type of participation in leisure majority interest; participate in Senior Learning Center Learning resources have 1-2 years to a maximum number of hours in order to participate in the study on the 2nd four hours at most. According to the finding,this escarch conclusion is as follows: 1、Currently Miaoli Senior Learning Center Roundup: mostly women, to the extent of up to the number of primary school; health status, chronic diseases subject to a maximum of three months to take the medicine; in economic terms, has largely enough for most living; course category to participate in the most casual interest in persons; the number of courses to participate in two days of four hours at most; participation in financing for two years as the largest. 2、Psychological status of senior learning will not vary significantly with their genders, ages, education backgrounds. The seniors, who are in good physic situation and excellent economic situation have higher average ratingg og mental helth tham those who don't . 3、Psychological status of senior learners will not vary significantly with the curriculums they they take. The senuor learners, who participate in learning activities two days a week, choose two classes , and have been patticipate in learning for one year or more,have higher average rating of mental health than those who don't. Because of described above to discover and conclusion, researcher propose following suggestion, for educational administrative organ make senior learners in the education resource centre's center policy, girind study ppl an of planning, plan studying activities and improves senior learnersto study reference of the resources center curriculum. Arrangement: 1、The development of pluralistic teaching methods 2、To strengthen the professional capacity of service personnel 3、The effective promotion of increased participation rates 4、To provide supporting measures 5、Curriculum planning closer to the needs of the elderly person 6、The learner can suggest Intakes demand 7、To the suggestion that studies I the future


李曉婷 ( 2008 ) 。志工休閒參與與心理健康關係之研究。中興大學生物產業推廣暨經營學系
