  • 學位論文


A Study of the Mid-Aged Women’s Retirement Preparation: Needs of Active Ageing

指導教授 : 魏惠娟


中年女性退休準備之研究:活躍老化的需求 指導教授: 魏惠娟 博士 研 究 生: 黃珮涵 摘要 本研究旨在探討中年女性退休準備之研究並以活躍老化之需求為觀點,希望藉由研究了解中年女性在發展過程中的生命經驗與路程轉換等生活狀況、對老化及退休的觀點、退休的準備情形與退休準備之學習需求。主要研究目的為: 一、探討中年女性之生活狀況。 二、探討中年女性之退休觀點。 三、探討中年女性活躍老化退休準備情形。 四、探討中年女性活躍老化退休準備學習之需求。 本研究藉由立意取樣訪談八位年齡在50歲至64歲的中年女性,藉由擬定之訪談大綱,以半結構訪談方式並採質性研究的方法進行資料蒐集、分析本文、資料整理,研究結果如次: 一、中年女性的健康狀況尚佳,少數有慢性病發生;仍以家庭生活為重心且為家庭主要照顧者,於子女離家後重新回歸原生家庭關注父母親及手足。 二、就業參與率提升中年女性的經濟自主性,已婚與配偶同住的雙薪家庭在經濟能力上比單親者或未婚者好且沒有經濟困擾 三、中年女性已婚配偶健在者生活的安排忙碌,自覺現況很好;無配偶者生活安排為無規劃,認為生活安排可以再調整及更多元 四、中年女性的退休觀點認知撤退者,認為退休生活可以輕鬆自在,沒有壓力過日子,可以自我實現完成早年夢想;活躍者認為可以繼續貢獻專業參與公益性或生產性的活動。 五、已婚與配偶同居者對退休的心理認知傾向較為積極願意再繼續參與生產性或公益性活動,未婚與離婚者退休傾向撤退想過著自由自在沒有壓力的生活 六、中年女性在健康準備上重視飲食清淡少油鹽、重視運動保健及 心理壓力調適;財務準備上以勞工退休金為主要經濟來源,投資理財為輔,經濟自主提高,養兒防老觀念少;社會參與學習準備喜歡家事技藝類的課程,志工服務參與意願可再推廣。 七、中年女性退休準備學習需求包括規律運動、飲食保健、慢性病調養的學習、心理壓力調適及退休人生規畫需求的課程、學習第二職涯課程需求,增進女性經濟自主的能力需求 八、中年女性退休準備的學習參與情形並非絕對受其教育水準與經濟狀況絕對性關係。本研究中年女性的生命經驗,對個人的退休準備與學習情形及學習需求也造成影響。 本研究針對上述研究結論提出對政府單位、成人教育機構、中年女性與未來研究提出建議以及研究者省思。 關鍵字:中年女性、退休準備、活躍老化、學習需求


A Study of the Mid-Aged Women’s Retirement Preparation: Needs of Active Ageing Adivisor:Dr.Wei,Hui-Chuan Student:Huang ,Pei-Han Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the mid-aged women’s Retirement Preparation with the viewpoint of active ageing’s needs. The researcher intends to understand the mid-aged women’s life experiences and life transformations during the mid-aged developing process, their opinions about aging and retirement, their retirement preparation status, and their learning needs of retirement preparation. The main research purposes include: 1.To explore the mid-aged women’s life status 2.To explore the mid-aged women’s viewpoint of retirement 3.To explore the mid-aged women’s status of active aging retirement preparation 4.To explore the mid-aged women’s learning needs of active aging retirement preparation Using purposeful sampling method, the researcher interviewed eight mid-aged women between 50 and 64 years old, with semi-structured interview outlines. The researcher used qualitative research method to collect necessary data, analyzed the contents, and analyzed the data. According to the research findings, the conclusions are: 1.The mid-aged women have good health, while some of them have noninfectious chronic disease. They are family-centered and the primary caregivers. After children leaving home, they return to the family of origin and take care for their parents, brothers and sisters. 2. Female labor force participation rate enlarges the mid-aged women’s economic independence. The married mid-aged women living with their spouses and having double income families, don’t have financial difficulties, and have better financial ability than single-parent or unmarried ones. 3.The married mid-aged women whose spouses are still alive have busy life and feel good about life. While those who don’t have spouses think they can adjust their life and make life with more multi-dimensions. 4.The made-aged women with the cognitive retreat retirement viewpoint, think their retire life would be free and ease without any pressure. Those with the cognitive active retirement viewpoint, think they can continuously devote their professional knowledge towards public-interest or productive activities. 5.The mentally cognitive tendency towards retirement of the married mid-aged women living with their spouses, tend to positively participate the public-interest or productive activities. While the unmarried and the divorced tend to retreat and to live freely and easily without pressure after retiring. 6.The mid-aged women emphasize a light diet with less oil and salt in health preparation. They take the labor retirement pension as the primary financial source and the investment as the second source. They increase economic independence and decrease the belief of rearing sons for help in old age. They like the domestic technique courses in social participating learning preparation. Their intention to do the volunteer service should be promoted further. 7.The learning needs of the mid-aged women’s retirement preparation include: regular exercise, diet and health promotion, learning to treat chronic disease, adjustment of mental pressure, the course of the retired life’s planning need, the course of leaning the second career need, and the need to empower female economic independence. 8.The participation of the mid-aged women’s learning retirement preparation doesn’t absolutely relate with their educational level and economic status. This study found their life experiences also affect the individual retirement preparation, the learning status, and the learning needs. Finally, according to the conclusions, this study presents suggestions to government organizations, adult educational institutes, mid-aged women, and future researchers. Keywords:mid-aged women, retirement preparation, active aging, learning need


