  • 學位論文


A study for the risk factors of reverse mortgages be undertaken on financial institutions

指導教授 : 黃劭彥


台灣及世界大部分國家面臨少子化及嬰兒退休潮帶來高齡化的趨勢,因而產生諸多社會問題,如高齡長者本身居住問題及其日常生活所需的現金。高齡長者經由申辦不動逆向產抵押貸款,將名下的不動產權益向金融機構申請轉換為現金流以為日常生活所需,而不需要搬離名下的不動產。 本研究以金融機構承辦逆向抵押貸款的風險因子為基礎,以修正式德菲法專家問卷方式探討各風險因子對金融機構承辦逆向抵押貸款的重要性。專家認為不動產擔保品為首選其中以擔保品的價值最為重要,其次為不動產處分的流動性,不動產的預期增減與高齡貸款申請人的道德與逆選擇則並列第三。藉由邏輯的推演以圖表來表達金融機構承辦逆向抵押貸款複雜的風貌,來說明初貸擔保品估價金額、最大可貸金額、金融機構承擔的風險間的關係。初貸擔保品估價金額將等於最大可貸金額加金融機構承擔的風險,金融機構承擔的風險等於金融機構成本加金融機構的利潤,金融機構承擔的風險等初貸時擔保品估價金額乘風險係數。 逆向房屋抵押貸款可為富房產窮現金的高齡申貸者帶來如同所得提升的效果。若退休後財務有困難,便可以房養老維持基本生活所需來安享晚年,年輕人也可及早規劃於年輕時買房透過傳統房屋貸款本利攤還來養房,退休後再以房養老。


Many social issues in Taiwan and most partly other countries worldwide are Largely derived for low birth rate and the increase in the proportion of the elderly in the population With the retirement of baby-boomers. For the elderly who own the realty but are cash poor , reverse mortgages loan , a means where they can leave the realty as a mortgage with the financial institutions instead of moving out just like equity release products allow retirees to convert their housing wealth into liquid assets while staying in their home, is an option to get cash flow that they needed every day to cover basic needs. The Modified Delphi Method expert questionnaire is used in this study discussing the importance of factors of risks in relation to reverse mortgages loan that financial institutions take charge of. Exports consider the collateral was choicest and the value of the collateral is the most important of all factors of risks, followed by the liquidity of realty by public sold, expected return of the realty to increase or decrease、morality and fraud are tied for third. According logical deduction, the graph shows how financial institutions make reverse mortgages loan work and how estimated value of collaterals is related to Maximum Claimed Amount the risks that financial institutions have to afford.Estimated value of collaterals comes from Maximum Claimed Amount and the risks that financial institutions take. The risks that financial institutions afford involve costs and profits. That estimated value of collateral times the β of risks is the risks that financial institutions afford. Reverse mortgages loan is nothing of boost in income for elderly older who own the house–rich but cash–poor.It is not a bad idea to get a leg up on the house–purchasing though mortgage when we are young. By the time we don`t have a nest egg to retire on, putting Housing Endowment might be a financial means to live a comfortable in the golden years.


朱鈺錦,民99,反向抵押貸款定價: 使用GARCH模型和NIG分配。國立交通大學統計學研究所碩士論文。


