  • 學位論文


The Study of Zheng Zong-Xian’s Juvenile Novels:Based on Zheng’s Local Writing

指導教授 : 吳亦昕 江寶釵




鄭宗弦 少年小說 地方書寫


The study is based on the local writing in Zheng Zong Xian’s Juvenile Novels, and I’ll discuss it in three parts. In the beginning, through arranging Zheng Zong Xian’s life experience and the course of novel-writing to understand why Zheng Zong Xian keeping using Taiwanese cultures as subject matters ,and raising agricultural and environmental issues in his Juvenile novels. Then, I’ll discuss the local writing subject matters in Zheng’s juvenile novels in three points:First, Zheng Zong Xian uses characters from different backgrounds to appear the differences between urban and rural environment. Second, recording Taiwan local culture with rural living, farmers’ feelings on the farms and domestic animals, rural human warmth, and extra meanings of local folk customs. Third, giving attention to Taiwan modern agricultural and environmental issues with exotic species, rice surplus, chemical pesticides , and mountain farming in Zheng’s juvenile novels. Finally, analyzing relationship between characters and environment in Zheng’s Juvenile novels. Zheng Zong Xian is good at describing youngster wounded mind under family conflicts and death. Adult characters in novels represent various kind of family conflicts and education problems. And Zheng’s Juvenile novels convey that people should respect to each other, inclusive differences, protect natural environment, and treat our living land friendly in the course of characters affect each other and respectively grow-up. Zheng Zong Xian keeps writing juvenile novels with local subject matters, and pays the attention to Taiwan natural and cultural environment. Zheng Zong Xian hopes that people could concern their surroundings, and love the place they live by reading.


鄭志明,〈台灣鬼信仰文化發展的檢討與展望〉,《鵝湖月刊》253期,(1996.07),頁 42-52。
