  • 學位論文


A Study on Relationships among Television Reporters Work Conflict, Social Support and Organizational Commitment.

指導教授 : 蔡培村


摘 要 本研究旨在探討電視記者工作衝突、社會支持與組織承?之關係,主要研究 目的在瞭解電視記者工作衝突、社會支持與組織承?之現況,並探討?同背景變 項電視記者的工作衝突、社會支持與組織承?關係之間差?情形,分析電視記者 工作衝突、社會支持與組織承?之間的關係,及探討工作衝突、社會支持對組織 承?關係的預測?,依據研究結果,提出建議,以供電視新聞媒體相關組織單位、 電視記者及後續研究者?考運用。 因此,本研究透過問卷調查法進?實證研究,對國內電視媒體之文字記者、 攝影記者共獲取520位有效樣本人?;經由統計分析之後,歸納出下??項主要 研究結?: 一、 電視台記者在工作衝突感受?上,以「工作??衝突」感受最高,而「同 業競爭衝突」感受最低;社會支持是以「家人支持」感受最高,而「主管 支持」的感受最低;在組織承?方面,則以「努?承?」的感受最高,「價 值承?」的感受最低。 二、 電視台記者的工作衝突、社會支持與組織承?呈現顯著相關。 三、 工作衝突與社會支持對組織承?整體及各層面具有預測?,尤其以社會支 持之「家人支持」及「網?支持」的預測?最高。 四、 男性、攝影記者,其「工作衝突」感受程?明顯分別高於?性、文字記者。 五、 ?輕、資淺及收入較低之電視記者之社會支持感受程?明顯高於其他族群。 ?、 ?同「婚姻?況」,對工作衝突、社會支持與組織承??無顯著差?。 關鍵字:電視記者、媒體、工作衝突、社會支持、組織承?


Abstract A Study on Relationships among Television Reporters Work Conflict, Social Support and Organizational Commitment. The purpose of this research is to study the work conflict, social support and organizational commitment for television reporters in Taiwan. The goal is to understand the current state of work conflict, social support and organizational commitment of television reporters in Taiwan. The study will also compare and contrast of different backgrounds for television reporters to understand the differences of work conflict, social support and organizational commitment between them. From the result, a analytical model is built to study the relationship between work conflict, social support and organizational commitment; then a forecast can be predicted utilizing the statistic results. A conclusion and suggestion is provided to television media organization, television reporters, and researcher can use it for further study. This empirical research involved a survey through questionnaires which were sent to media text reporters and photographers. The 520 valid questionnaires were collected. Through statistical analysis, the six main conclusions were summarized as follows: First, television reporters were most aware of the “work ethic conflict” dimension of work conflict, and less aware of “conflicts with the competition” dimension of work conflict; television reporters were most aware of the “family support” dimension of social support, and less aware of “competent support” dimension of social support; television reporters were most aware of the “efforts pledge” dimension of organizational commitment, and less aware of “value promise” dimension of organizational commitment. Second, a high level of positive correlation was shown among the television reporters work conflict, social support and organizational commitment. Third, work conflict and social support were predicted to organizational commitments, it especially showed the highestpredictability to the “Family support” and “Online support” of the social support. Fourth, the male, photographers, their “Work conflict” perceived performance is significantly higher than the female, text reporters. Fifth, the young, junior or lower income level television reporters’ feel of “Social support” is significantly higher than other ethnic groups. Sixth, different marital status showed no significant impact to work conflict, social support and organizational commitment. Keywords: television reporters, media, work conflict, social support, organizational commitment


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