  • 學位論文


The Effects of Art Therapy on Well-being and Self-esteem of At-risk Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 張景然


本研究目的為探討國中生高關懷學生接受藝術治療團體對於提升幸福感與自尊之立即效果與延宕效果。本研究採取準實驗設計,受試者為台中市某國中七、八年級學生,隨機抽樣普通班學生300名。另外,30名學生經高關懷學生檢核表篩選,從中隨機選取10名為實驗組進行為期八週藝術治療團體,每週一次、每次二小時,另20名為對照組則不接受任何實驗處理。研究工具為「國中生幸福感量表」及「自尊量表」,研究工具測量時間為實驗處理前七日實施前測,藝術治療團體結束後隔天即進行後測,團體結束後八週進行追蹤測量,比較藝術治療團體介入是否提升幸福感與自尊之結果,所得資料採獨立樣本單因子共變數分析進行統計考驗。本研究主要結果如下: 一、藝術治療介入對於國中高關懷學生具有提升自我肯定與身心健康之立即效果,並具有提升自我肯定與身心健康之延宕效果。 二、藝術治療介入對於國中高關懷學生具有提升國中生幸福感量表與人際相處、生活滿意度僅具有立即效果,其延宕效果不顯著。 三、藝術治療介入對於國中高關懷學生僅具有提升自尊之立即效果,其延宕效果不顯著。 四、藝術治療介入對於國中高關懷學生不具有正負情緒之立即與延宕顯著效果。 本研究根據上述結論進行討論,並提供建議學校輔導工作與後續研究人員參考如下: 一、對學校輔導工作的建議 (一)藝術治療可做為學校高關懷課程之一,積極協助高關懷學生之心理療癒。 (二)學校輔導人員進行藝術治療基礎培訓課程,進行青少年輔導工作。 (三)完整的團體歷程,以利於有效提升成員其幸福感與自尊。 (四)開拓協同合作關係有利高關懷學生之整體發展。 二、對未來相關研究之建議 (一)研究工具方面:建立高關懷學生檢核表之信、效度。 (二)研究方法方面:採行動研究之方式來進行研究。 (三)研究樣本方面:未來可延伸至不同地區的國中進行,以擴大本研究範圍,增加研究樣本數與提高統計考驗力。


The purpose of this study is to research the short-term and long-term effects of using art therapy for at-risk junior high school. This research adopts a quasi-experimental design. The test-receiver is random sampling 300 students of junior high school’s seventh grade and eighth grade in Taichung City. Besides, 30 students who are selected by the test met the standard of at-risk student. Randomly selecting 10 at-risk students as experimental group to accept two hours per week art therapy, for a period of eight weeks. Another 20 at-risk students as the control group did not receive any experimental treatment. Another 20 students who met the standards required to be a high degree of care as the control group did not receive any experimental treatment. Research tools are the "Well-Being scale" and "Self-Esteem Scale" for junior high school students. The pretest was conducted 7 days before the experiment,the posttest one day after the experiment, and the follow-up evaluation eight weeks later. Comparison the result of whether art therapy intervention to enhance well-being and self-esteem, The resulting data collected independent samples single factor ANCOVA statistical test. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.Art therapy intervention for at-risk junior high students to enhance the health and self-affirmation short-term effect, and enhance self-affirmation and having physical and mental health long-term effect. 2.Art therapy intervention for at-risk junior high school students for students with enhanced "Well-Being scale" and interpersonal harmony, life satisfaction only have short-term effect, the long-term effect is not significant. 3.Art therapy intervention for at-risk junior high school students only have to enhance the self-esteem of the short-term effect, the long-term effect is not significant. 4.Art therapy intervention for at-risk junior high school students do not have the short-term and long-term effects with positive and negative emotions. The present study was conducted to discuss the above findings and recommendations and follow-up study of school counseling staff refer to the following: 1.The recommendation to the school counseling (1) Art therapy can be used as one of the at-risk junior high school students’ programs, actively assist the psychological treatment of at-risk junior high school students. (2)School counselors conduct art therapy inbasic training course, conducted youth counseling work. (3)The complete group course, in order to facilitate the at-risk junior high school students to effectively enhance well-being and self-esteem. (4)To develop collaborative relations favorable overall development of the at-risk junior high school students. 2.Suggestions for future research (1) Rresearch tools: to have a scale whichean establish the reliability and validity of the at-risk junior high of school student. (2) Research methods: mining mode of action research to study. (3) The study sample: the future can be extended to different areas of junior high school, to expand the scope of this study to increase the number and improve the statistical study sample test force.


Self-esteem Well-Being At-risk Art therapy


