  • 學位論文


A Study of the Impact of Students’ Livelihood and Parents’ and Teachers’ Influence on the Happiness of Students in the Junior High School

指導教授 : 黃怡婷


國內國中學生經常是不快樂的,而最令他們「不快樂」的是「學業成績」、「體型」等,隨著年紀增長,不快樂的比例愈高。本研究主要去探討影響國中學生不快樂的重要相關因素。 本研究資料來源為「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS),公共使用版第二波釋出,主要研究對象為2003年全國國中三年級的學生,有效樣本數10803份。為了解國中學生在個人、家庭及學校生活與幸福感之間的相關因素,以「國中學生幸福感」為指標,分別為「高度幸福感」、「中度幸福感」、「低度幸福感」三個有序多項反應變數 (ordinal multinomial responses)。藉由關聯性分析來找出會影響反應變數的解釋變數,刪去與反應變數相關性較低的解釋變數,離散型解釋變數用卡方獨立性檢定,連續型解釋變數則使用 Kruskal-Wallis 檢定,對所有解釋變數作關聯性分析,留下顯著因子,進行逐步選入淘汰法(stepwise)之多項式 logit 迴歸模型統計分析,篩選出十六個顯著的解釋變數,有與家人相處方面,學生的學習態度及學校老師與學生相處方式等方面。 本研究發現:在個人方面,正面情緒愈高,處理事情態度愈積極,從來都不會考前臨時抱佛腳,身高愈高,經常運動,沒有談戀愛,每天睡覺時間愈長,每週上網查資料以完成作業的時間愈長,每週校外補習或家教時間愈短的國中生,其幸福感相對較高,男國中生中度幸福感受較多。在家庭方面,父母感情愈和諧,與家人同住,家庭功能愈好,其幸福感愈高。在學校方面,校園學習環境愈好,常獲得老師稱讚,避免傷害學生自尊心,其幸福感愈高。提供家長、老師以及學校教育行政機關做參考。


Junior high school students in Taiwan are often unhappy about their academic achievement and physical status. The unhappiness grows as they become older. To improve this, it is then important to identify factors that are associated with their unhappiness. This study used data collected from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). There were 10803 eligible students from junior high schools nationwide. The response variable was measured by three ordinal scales, high, median and low well-being. Associated variables contained domains in student’s livelihood, parents’ and teachers’ influences. The chi-square and Kruskall Wallis test were used to assess the bivariate association. The overall association between associated variables and student’s well being was assessed by the multinomial logit model. The study discoveries that the more the positive attitudes that the students have, the happier the students fell. The positive attitudes include well-preparation when facing examinations, doing regular exercises, not in love, having normal sleeping hours and having less time in extracurricular activities in supplementary lessons and longer time in net surfing for homework. The students also feel high well-being when staying with families and parents have good relationship. Furthermore, students feel higher well-being when schools offer good learning environment or teachers express praise instead of negative wording. The result of this research can provide some guidance for parents and teachers when facing the decision to instruct their children and students so the students not only have excellent academic performance but also have happy students’ life.


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