  • 學位論文


The Educational Ideas of Senior Vocational School Principals in Kaohsiung and Pingtung

指導教授 : 吳雅玲


本研究旨在探討高高屏地區高職校長之辦學理念。以高高屏地區十二位高職校長為研究對象,採質性研究方式進行,透過半結構式深度訪談、文件檔案及省思札記等方法蒐集資料,並以內容分析法進行資料分析探討。本研究獲致主要發現如下: 一、依受訪校長的職校別、公私立、性別、年齡、學歷、經歷、年資與  產生方式等八項,發現校長的背景多元中有一致性。 二、對教育的熱忱和使命感、勇於接受挑戰的人格特質與自我實現的理   想是受訪校長擔任校長一職的主要動機,另受他人與環境影響也是 因素之一。再者,繼承家族企業為私立學校校長的另一動機。 三、從校長的職責、校長的角色、校長須具備的特質與能力等四部分做   研究探討,結果發現校長對其角色之認知傾向多元化。 四、影響校長辦學理念之因素包括個人因素(教育背景、家庭與職場工   作環境及核心的教育理念)與外在環境因素(學校文化與高職教育   現況)。 五、受訪校長的辦學理念,主要是依據教育法規、學校的特質而發展其   目的在銜接前人的智慧、落實全人教育。為達校長全人教育辦學理   念的理想,必須努力的範圍包括:建構溫馨和諧團隊、形塑優質學 習環境、學校轉型科班調整、提昇課程教學品質、重視建教產學攜   手、加強成員品德教育、促進社區資源整合、教職員工專業成長與   創新特色行銷學校。 六、最後,研究者根據研究結論提出建議,作為現任校長和未來校長辦   學、相關教育行政單位及後續研究者之參考。


高職 校長 辦學理念


The main purpose of this research is to explore the vocational school principals’ educational ideas. Twelve principals who work in Kaohsiung and Pingtung were chosen as the subjects in this qualitative research. The data is collected by means of semi-structured and in-depth interviews, documentaries, and scripts. By using Content Analysis method, this research obtains some major findings as follows.   First, eight variables of the principals' background information were surveyed: kinds of schools, categories of schools (public or private), sex, age, educational background, administrative experience, seniority (period of service), and the way of being principals. A uniformity of the principals’ diversified backgrounds was found. Second, the primary motivations to be a principal lie in great zeal and the sense of mission, the will to accept the challenge, and the attempt to self-fulfill. In addition, the influences from other people and the environment are also one of factors. Furthermore, inheritance from family enterprise is another factor for private school principals to succeed to their positions. Third, in term of the role, principals display multiple cognition of their responsibility, role, characteristics, and abilities. Fourth, the factors affecting principals’ educational ideas include individual elements (educational background, family, working environment, and core educational believes ) and external environmental elements (school culture and vocational education status). Fifth, mainly based on the educational regulations and school characteristic development, and inheritance of predecessor’s wisdom, the principals' educational idea is the fulfillment of the holistic education. In order to reach the idea of holistic education, the principals’ efforts include : constructing warm and harmonious teams, establishing high quality learning environment, reforming students’ professional training, promoting the quality of curriculum and teaching, valuing the cooperation with enterprises, emphasizing moral education, integrating community resources, promoting faculty professionalism, and marketing the schools through innovating their characteristics.   Finally, based on researcher’s findings, suggestions are offered for current and future principals, related administrations and follow-up researchers to refer to and carry out.


