  • 學位論文


From the Historical Viewpoint Direction the Environmental Change of Commu¬nity Development

指導教授 : 簡勇成


本研究試圖以社區居民志願參與方式,藉由地圖指認,蒐集社區發展過程相關的故事,拼湊出社區發展過程中之歷史時空面貌,並企圖藉由社區發展進程與社會變遷之相互關係,找尋社區變遷之脈絡,藉此探索未來社區營造的方向。本研究以「繪製社區歷史地圖」方法,試圖以社區時空變遷的文史資料帶動社區居民對社區的認同感。社區地圖繪製有助於社區中心價值找尋與重建,也可藉此模式提供社區發展之討論平台,社區居民與專家可藉此平台進行意見交流與溝通,進而取得社區發展方向之最大共識。 本研究應用此一模式探討臺中縣太平市長億里與永成里發展時空變遷,歷經志工招募、文史調查訪談及各年代之發展地圖繪製後,發現此社區初期聚集動能來自於產業政策的推動,中期則是由於交通路網興建使此社區範圍逐漸擴大,吸引其他地區居民遷入,後期則因公共設施持續建設與改善,使社區的人口成長從以遷入為主方式轉為自然內發成長方式。社區居民可藉此平台彼此溝通並與專家合作,找尋社區特色,作為未來發展的主軸。


This study attempts to collect the all stories relative to the development of the community. Base on this information, the process of the community development will be reviewed. The goal is to realize the relationship between community development and social changes. The map recognition method is used the historical developed maps and let people tell the storied related to this map. By doing this way, the community identity will be aroused. This method also create a platform, all kinds of opinions will have a chance to present. Besides, the profession suggestions will also be involved. The final decisions may cover more aspects and can be accepted by more people. This study applied this method to the Chung-Ie and Un-Chan communities of Taichung, the results revealed that people moved to these two communities in the early stage due to the industrial driving force. Later, from the map boundary expansion, it was shown that the transportation system was constructed at that time; it brought a lot people from outskirt into here. In recently, the population keeps increasing from inner reproduction. It implied that people are willing stay his county instead of moving out due to a lot of renovation and investment of the public works in here.This model will sever as an open platform. People can communicate each other and find a best policy for future community development.


國立台灣師範大學地理系(2007) 。臺灣地名辭書 【卷二十 台中縣(二)】。南投:國史館台灣文獻館。
臺灣銀行經濟研究室(1994) 。臺灣霧峰林氏族譜。南投:臺灣省文獻委員會。
