  • 學位論文


Study on the Relationship between Motivation and Leisure Constraint of Serious Leisure Cyclists-in Pingtung Area

指導教授 : 蔡龍銘


摘 要 學號:M9667017 論文名稱:不同休閒特質之自行車騎乘者休閒動機與阻礙關係之研究-以屏東地區為例 總頁數:86 頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:景觀暨遊憩管理研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:九十七學年度第 二 學期博(碩)士學位論文摘要 研究生:朱弘鈞 指導教授:蔡龍銘 博士 論文摘要內容: 隨著環境保護意識的抬頭,自行車被公認為適合作為短期運輸的綠色運具,世界先進的國家已開始以環境保護、休閒運動為口號,希望推廣自行車進入民眾的日常生活中。近年來國內的學者發現自行車逐漸成為國內旅遊的新興模式,在過去研究中也發現不同特質的自行車騎士對於環境需求亦有所不同,也衍生出許多可以探討的議題。 因此本研究利用休閒特質為區隔變數,進一步探討不同休閒特質的受訪者在休閒動機與阻礙上的看法是否有差異性存在,並整理出屏東地區自行車發展的現況與使用者的特性,希望能從需求面的調查提供屏東地區在自行車發展上的參考依據。本研究共發放430份問卷,回收且有效之問卷共406份,以統計軟體SPSS做為分析工具,建立各變數間的關係模式,採卡方分析、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、因素分析等方法。 研究結果分析發現,特質的不同,在活動目的、活動距離、花費時間、路線選擇上,有明顯看法上的不同;休閒程度較高的受訪者,對於「社交性」的休閒動機最重視,而在休閒阻礙上,以「個人內心阻礙」的認同度最高,不同程度的受訪者在看法上,的確有差異存在。當休閒程度越高對於「個人內心阻礙」、「結構性阻礙」兩項因素的重視程度越強烈,又以「個人內心阻礙」的相關性大於「結構性阻礙」。整體休閒動機與阻礙間的相關性並不高。 關鍵字:休閒特質、休閒動機、休閒阻礙、自行車騎乘者


Abstract Student ID: M9667017 Total page: 86 Title of thesis: Study on the Relationship between Motivation and Leisure Constraint of Serious Leisure cyclists-In Pingtung Area Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of Landscape Architecture and Recreation Management, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate date: June, 2008 Degree Conferred:Master Name of student: Chu, Hung-Chun Adviser: Lung-Ming Tsai, Ph.D The contents of abstract in this thesis: With an emerging environmental awareness, the bicycle is generally regarded as a green transportation means ideal for short-distance travel, while world industrialized countries are campaigning in the name of environmental protection and leisure sports in anticipation of integrating the bicycle into the daily life of the general public. In recent years, local scholars have discovered that bicycles are gradually becoming an emerging mode in local travel, while past studies also discover that as bicycle riders of different characteristics have different environmental requirements, there are many subjects derived from which that warrant for further examination. With that, the study aims to further examine whether any variation exists among the viewpoint of the respondents toward their leisure motivation and constraints by adopting the serious leisure characteristic as the segmentation variables, and to sort out the current state of bicycle development and user characteristics in the Pingtung area in an attempt to provide a reference base on bicycle development in the Pintung area from the aspect of demand surveying. The study has distributed a total of 430 questionnaires, and recalled a total of 406 effective questions, and adopted the statistical software SPSS as the analysis tool, through which to instill a correlation model for each variable, which are put through the chi-square analysis, One-Way ANOVA, correlation analysis, factor analysis, with the research findings concluded as follows, The analysis shows that the differences in serious leisure characteristics vary ominously in the perspectives of activity objective, activity distance, time spent, and choice of routes.The analysis finds that respondents with a higher level of serious leisure emphasize most on “social” leisure motivation, and recognize the “individual inherent constraint” to be the highest among all leisure constraints, suggesting that there are indeed variations in the viewpoints among respondents with varied levels of interest. The higher the level of serious leisure, the stronger the level of emphasis will be on the “individual inherent constraint” and the “structural constraint”, while the correlation to the “individual inherent constraint” is found greater than that of the “structural constraint”. The correlation between the overall leisure motivation and constraints is not as high as expected. Keywords: Serious leisure, leisure motivation, leisure constraint, bicycle leisure participants




