  • 學位論文


The Believes and Practices of Elementary School Teachers’ Citizen Participatio

指導教授 : 吳雅玲 博士


本研究旨在探討二位國小教師從事公民參與的影響因素、信念、實踐歷程、影響及省思,研究對象以二位長期擔任民間團體核心幹部且具公民參與行動經驗之高屏地區國小教師為例;本研究採質性方式進行,透過文件蒐集、半結構式深度訪談來作研究資料的蒐集,並以內容分析法進行資料分析。本研究主要結論如下: 一、個人內在特質與外在環境因素影響教師的公民參與。 二、教師對公民參與的認知建立在教育目的、角色期許,以及教育工作與社會發展的關係之上。 三、教師公民參與是一連串適應與改變的歷程。 四、教師從事公民參與,除了可以學習成長、恪盡知識份子的社會責任外;在連結學校和社會的過程中,亦可深化民主、培養具有思考能力和行動能力的現代公民。 五、教師公民參與之省思起始於參與角色的省察,亦同時關照社會與教育的整體環境。 最後,研究者針對上述研究發現提出建議,以供未來研究者參考。


公民 公民參與 公民社會


Abstract: The purpose of the study was to probe into the factors, believes, practice process, influence, and reflections of two elementary school teachers involving in citizen participation. The participants were two Pingtung elementary school teachers who have occupied important positions in non-governmental organizations for a long time, and who have the experience of citizen participated actions. The researcher collected data through documents and semi structured in-depth interview, and analyzed the data through content analysis. The main findings of the research are as follows: 1. Individual inner characteristics and outer environmental factors affected teachers’ citizen participation. 2. Teachers’ cognition toward citizen participation was based on education purpose, role expectations, and the relationship between educational work and the social development. 3. Teachers’ citizen participation was the process of adaptation and transformation. 4. Through citizen participation, teachers can learn and grow, and carry out intellectuals’ social responsibility. Besides, teachers can deepen democracy, and develop modern citizens with thinking and action capacity in the process of combining campus and society. 5. The reflections of teachers’ citizen participation began from the participated participationers’ reflections, and the care for the society and the whole educational environment. Finally, the researcher came up with suggestions for future researchers’ reference. Keyword: citizens, citizen participation, citizen society


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