  • 學位論文


A Study of the multi-echelon supply chain cost model under multi-product combinations

指導教授 : 黃祥熙


本研究將探討在多階供應鏈系統各階層的成本關係,發展出考量多種產品組合下之多階供應鏈總成本模式。利用EOQ模式計算出各階層的經濟訂購量與再訂購點,將各階層的經濟訂購量與再訂購點為總成本的關鍵決策變數,與訂購、運輸、存貨、缺貨和製造成本因素加以整合發展出供應鏈系統下的總成本模式。亦探討多階供應鏈各階層在補貨前置時間的計算方式,使其能廣泛的被各式產業所應用。 本研究使用Visual Basic程式語言發展出能輸入各階成本並能快速將多階供應鏈總成本求出之計算處理系統,幫助產業界在計算與操作多階供應鏈下之總成本能更加的快速與方便。並藉由此程式語言探討各階訂購量與此研究多階供應鏈成本模式之相互關係。


This research discussed a cost relation in each echelon of a multi-echelon supply chain system. A multi-echelon supply chain cost model was developed under multi-product combinations. And this research also employ the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) model to calculated the economic order quantity and reorder point of each-echelon . And the economic order quantity and the reorder point of each echelon was as key decision variable of the total cost model which integrated transportation, stock, shortage and production cost of a supply chain system. This research used the Visual Basic to develop a calculation processing system that could input cost of each echelon and obtained total costs of different echelons a supply chain quickly. The system’s can help industry while calculating total cost under the multi-echelon supply chain. The analyze also discussed the relationship between order quantity between each echelon and multi-echelon total cost models.


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