  • 學位論文


Design of Automatic Idle Stop-and-GO Controller

指導教授 : 曾全佑 余致賢


根據環保署之怠速零污染(亦即CO=0%,HC=0ppm)政策,在國內販售或製造的機車或引擎族,符合怠速零污染規範的車輛之比例將逐期增加。目前機車污染排放法規為第五期,預計第六期開始實施,其比例為六期(104年實施)10%,七期(107年實施)30%,八期(110年實施)50%。而達到怠速零污染的方法可為電動機車、油電混合機車、或引擎車配置自動怠速熄火裝置(Automatic Idle Start-and-Go System,ASG)。因此,ASG為台灣機車產業必須發展的重要技術之一。 所謂ASG為控制器接收車輛上各感測器之訊號,於機車進入怠速等停狀態時,自動下達自動熄火命令,使引擎熄火,而於駕駛者欲啟動機車時,自動啟動引擎。操作過程中,駕駛者只需操作油門與煞車,不必操作任何開關。目前,國內各大廠都開始著手開發ASG技術,已經有兩款配備ASG的機車上市,但是因為考慮安全與操作方便性因素,這些車款都有人力抑制或啟動ASG的功能,尚未完全符合法規的精神。 本研究主要開發無人力介入ASG系統之技術。利用低成本的CPLD晶片為控制核心,在使用便利性及安全性的基本考量下,將駕駛者操作的關鍵參數轉化為邏輯訊號,進行控制邏輯之分析與設計。然後完成硬體電路設計與製作,並且加入熄火後快速啟動策略,以減少引擎熄火後再啟動的耗時與廢氣排放。研究成果為一套ASG控制模組,以及安裝於一輛市售四行程50c.c.噴射引擎機車之實車路試結果。實驗結果顯示:(1)系統可正確地根據機車各項感測訊號,自動下達正確的熄火與啟動命令。(2)系統具備強健性,不會因為駕駛者之錯誤操作而有誤起動或誤熄火的情況,整體之熄火與啟動判斷成功率達100%。(3)控制邏輯可避免市區之頻繁走停路況,所造成的反覆啟動與熄火之情形。(4)系統加入快速啟動策略後,與原車相較可減少21%的啟動時間。


Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been released a policy for scooters, in which certain percentage of scooters manufactured or sold in Taiwan have to achieve zero idle emission, i.e. CO=0% and HC=0ppm. According to the policy, electric scooters, hybrid electric scooters, and gasoline engine scooters with automatic Idle Start-and-Go system (ASG) are all acceptable. One of the important technology for the development of Taiwan's scooter Industry, ASG control system can automatically order the engine stalling and re-starting command by according to the signals of sensors mounted in vehicle. This study investigated the feasibility of ASG system without human intervention, The objective of this study is that using CPLD chip as the control core, design can be applied to the controller on real road. Develop the control logic algorithm and peripheral circuits of ASG control module by means of analysis of driving behavior on scooter and security. The results of this study to CPLD chip to control the core of ASG module. ASG modules installed on a four-stroke EFI 50c.c engine scooter, proceed actual road test for verifying the feasibility and reliability of ASG control technology. Experimental results show that:(1)The ASG system can according to the sensing signal automation stop and start command.(2)The ASG system supported by robust ,there will not be the mistake of start or stop resulted from the driver’s incorrect operating (3)With the control logic,the situation of repeated start and stop caused by the traffic in urban areas can be avoided.(4)The start-up time compared with the origin was improved by 21%,since quick start strategy is added into the ASG system.


Scooter Stop-and-Go CPLD


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