  • 學位論文


Operating voltage explore the ESP in the removal of particle

指導教授 : 李嘉塗


本研究以CFD商業套裝軟體對靜電集塵器電極板其氣流流場分布狀態進行速度與壓力分析,並以長、寬、高各1m、內部電極板長寬約0.8m,根據靜電集塵器參數條件,以3種氣流速度進行模擬數值模擬與分析。初步結果顯示,三者壓力值以最大風速值壓力呈現最大,但壓力遞減速度與另外兩種風速相較下,遞減速度亦較快。而在速度上,氣流通過正極接地集塵板距離短,此三種不同風速從入口端至出口端幾乎沒有太大改變量。 另外為測試最佳收集效果,另關鍵於操作電壓值與流速大小。本研究初步探討六種圓球粒徑大小粒子運動度、粒子帶電荷數,以外徑1.5英吋、內徑0.05英吋管柱電極管於不同操作電壓探討軸心線帶電情況,得知最大電場強度,並對不同操做電壓值估算其電流值,之後將六種粒徑大小探討每立方公分於六種不同電壓操作下可攜帶飽和電荷,並計算其顆粒帶電所可飄移速度,最後再利用長5英吋考慮六種操作電壓下及流量0.5ft3/min參數條件下探討收集效率。研究結果顯示,當操作電壓值越高、氣流流量越小且所收集到顆粒粒徑越大情況下,則越符合靜電集塵器收集效率指標。


靜電集塵器 CFD 粒狀汙染物 壓力 速度 操作電壓 電流


CFD business software in this study on flow field of electrostatic dust collection electrode plate air flow velocity and pressure distribution analysis, and the long, wide, high internal electrode plate length 1M, width of 0.8M. Based on the electrostatic dust collector parameters, with 3 kinds of numerical simulation and analysis of simulation of airflow rate. Preliminary results show that three pressure values with a maximum wind speed values present the most pressure, but pressure under the rate of decline compared with those of two other kinds of wind speed, descending speed is faster. On the speed, airflow through the anode grounding dust collection plate distance is short, this three different wind speed from the inlet to the outlet port is almost not much variation. Another is exam optimal collect efficiency, operating voltage value and velocity of flow is key point. This research is preliminary investigated for six kinds of particle of particle velocity and particle electrified discharge, use outside diameter 1.5 inches and diameter 0.05 inches column electrode tube in different operating voltage to investigate axis line electrified situation to know maximum electric field intensity, also estimates on different operating voltage to be directed against, and then use six kinds of particle of particle of operating voltage to investigate which is can portability saturated electric discharge, also calculate grain electrified drift velocity, last use five inches to consider six kind of operating voltage and flow is equal to 0.5ft3/min to investigate collect efficiency. This research result show when operating voltage is become higher and airflow volume is become lower also collect grain is become bigger, so this index is ESP collect efficiency will be confirmed.


ESP CFD particulate pollutants pressure velocity Operating voltage current


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A. Zukeran, Y. Ikeda, Y. Ehara, M. Matsuyama, T. Ito, T. Takahashi, H. Kawakami, Two-stage-type electrostatic precipitator re-entrainment phenomena under diesel flue gases, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 35(2) (1997) 346–351.


洪菱霙(2013)。產業專家會計師對金融商品公平價值 攸關性之影響〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2013.00065
