  • 學位論文


The Construction of Evaluation Indicators for Interns' Professional Skills on Child Industry Practicum: Taking Parent-Child Centers for Examples

指導教授 : 曾榮祥


本研究旨在建構兒童產業實習專業知能檢核指標體系,提供兒童產業實習指導單位及實習生運用及參考。為達成上述目的,本研究首先統整國內外相關文獻建構兒童產業實習專業知能初步指標,其次邀請邀請八位學者專家進行專家諮詢,藉由專家之意見資料進行逐項指標的修訂,接著編製模糊德菲調查問卷,選取三十七位兒童親子館主管與輔導員進行模糊德菲法研究,確立「兒童產業實習專業知能檢核指標」。   本研究經由專家諮詢與模糊德菲法兩階段的分析與修正後,完成指標之建構,研究結論敘述如下: 壹、本研究所建構之「兒童產業實習專業知能檢核指標」分為四個構面、十個向度及二十七個細項指標。 一、專業知識構面包含:教學知能、輔導知能等二個向度共五項指標。 二、專業技能構面包含:活動設計、表達能力、小組常規等三個向度共八項指標。 三、專業態度構面包含:敬業精神、人際關係、自我知覺等三個向度共八項指標。 四、行政管理構面包含:行銷能力、專業倫理等二個向度共六項指標。 貳、兒童產業實習專業知能之「專業態度」指標具有高度重要性。 參、兒童產業專業知能之「能設立與維持安全良好的活動場域」指標具有高度重要性。   本研究依據研究目的與研究結果,提出建議事項,以供兒童產業實習指導單位及實習生對於專業知能的提升作為參考。


兒童產業 親子館 實習 專業知能


The purpose of this study was to construct the evaluation indicators for interns' professional skills on child industry practicum. Suggestions were provided for the practicum guidance units of child industry and interns. To achieve the above objects, the study first integrated relevant literatures on the initial indicators constructing for interns' professional skills on child industry practicum. Through the interview of eight experts to itemize the revisions of indicators. Thirty-seven directors and instructors from child industry were selected to determine the indicators for interns' professional skills on child industry practicum. The study completed the construction of indicators and gained the conclusions as follow experts’ modifying opinions and fuzzy Delphi technique analysis: 1.The indicators of interns' professional skills on child industry practicum included four areas, ten dimensions and twenty-seven indicators. (1)From professional knowledge area: teaching competency , guidance competency, including a total of two dimensions and five indicators in details. (2)From professional skill area: event design, expression ability, team routine, including a total of two dimensions and five indicators in details. (3)From professional attitude area: engagement, interpersonal relationship, self-perception, including a total of two dimensions and five indicators in details. (4)From administration area: marketing capabilities, professional ethics, including a total of two dimensions and five indicators in details. 2. "Professional skills " area in children industry practicum of " professional attitude " was the most important indicator . 3. Professional skills in children industry practicum of " Able to set up and maintain a safe and positive field " was the important indicator . Based on the purposes and research findings, suggestions were provided for the practicum guidance units of child industry and interns to enhance the professional skills.


