  • 學位論文


Characteritization of backwash wastewater from a simple water purification system

指導教授 : 陳瑞仁


目前以地面水為水源之大型淨水廠其反洗廢水之回收再利用已受大家重視與研究,然探討以地下水或水質較佳之地面水為水源之簡易淨水系統其反洗廢水之研究不多。本研究以台灣自來水公司一處位於南部之簡易型淨水場為對象,探討其快濾池反沖洗廢水水質及反洗廢水懸浮固體物沉降特性,以供未來評估簡易型淨水場反沖洗廢水處理後回收再利用可行性之參考。研究結果顯示:以地下水為水源之簡易淨水系統,其快濾池反沖洗廢水含之濁度其粒徑大部分在膠體粒徑範圍﹙主要以0.34 μm為主﹚、沉降性差;將其加入30 mg/L硫酸鋁混凝後,反沖洗廢水中之濁度、Fe及Mn之去除率分別可達80、72及75 %以上;硫酸鋁可有效地去除簡易淨水系統反沖洗廢水中之濁度、Fe及Mn。


The recycle and reuse of backwash wastewater from large water treatment plants which use surface water as raw water have been increasingly concerned and studied. However, little attention has been paid to backwash wastewater from simple water purification systems using ground water or better-quality surface water as raw water. In this study, a simple water purification system of Taiwan Water Corporation located at southern Taiwan was tested. The characteristics of backwash wastewater quality and suspended solid sediment of rapid filter were investigated to assess the feasibility of recycle and reuse of backwash wastewater of simple water purification systems. The results showed that for simple water purification system using ground water as raw water, the turbidity of the backwash wastewater of rapid filter was mainly resulted from the colloid size range (chiefly at 0.34 μm) with poor settling. After coagulation by adding 30 mg/L aluminum sulfate into backwash wastewater, the reduction of turbidity was 80 %, while the removal of Fe and Mn reached 72 % and 75 %, respectively, indicating that aluminum sulfate could effectively remove the turbidity, Fe, and Mn in backwash wastewater from simple water purification systems.


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