  • 學位論文


Application of Deconstruction on Innovative Design of the Ming-style Furniture

指導教授 : 李鴻麟 林正榮


中國家具有上千年的歷史,時間的洪流不斷的推動著家具形態風格,隨著時代的變遷,長期文化的累積沉澱,孕育出豐富多樣的色彩,家具的風格形式亦隨著改變,改變並不是結束而是延續,不是停滯而是精進,在不斷的傳承、精進發展中,家具的形式風格在明代達到了高峰,堪稱中國家具之最,不管是形態造形或是結構工藝經長時間的承接與轉化,幻化成登峰造極之姿,而在諸多風格中以明式體態線條最為出色,在設計史上佔有極重要的地位。 解構主義是對文本的解讀思維,各領域藉由解構的思考模式,研擬出符合該領域的理論基礎。本研究利用解構思維解讀家具形態圖文,將形態圖文視為文本,進行家具形態的解構,並擷取元素轉化為形態,進而設計出創新的家具,以印證解構理論於家具設計之可行性。本研究的結果顯示:1.家具藉由形態與量化分析可窺探形態工法脈絡與風格特徵。2.明式家具工法具有一致性的規律。3.明式家具形態運用大量曲線營造線條的美感。4.明式家具的工法來自建築大木梁架工法,因此腿足為主要的變化基礎。5.解構的哲學理論轉化為設計理論具可行。6.家具解構方法是無限的延展與無限的進化。7.解構分析階段的分析方法具多元性。8.設計本身即是解構思維的執行。


中國家具 明式家具 解構主義 文本 工法


Chinese furniture has a thousand-year long history, and has experienced continuously certain furniture forms and styles. With changes of the times and long-term cultural accumulation, rich colors have been cultivated, and furniture styles have also changed. Change is not an end but is a continuation, not stagnation but precision. In the endless heritage and precise developments, in the Ming Dynasty furniture formal styles reached a peak, in the golden age of Chinese furniture. Both in form and in structural industrial art, the long term heritage and transformation have created ultimate appearances. Among the many styles, the Ming formal lines are the most outstanding, and have a very important position in the history of design. Deconstructionism involves interpretive thoughts on texts, in which each field uses deconstructive thought models to create theoretical bases that conform to the field. This study used a deconstructive framework to interpret furniture form images and texts, consider them as texts to engage in deconstruction of furniture forms, and extract element transformation forms, and in turn to design innovative furniture, in order to verify the feasibility of furniture design in deconstruction theory. Results of this study indicated that: 1) through formal and quantitative analysis of furniture it is possible to glimpse the formal construction method contexts and stylistic features; 2) Ming-style furniture construction method has a consistent regularity; 3) Ming-style furniture forms use many curved lines to create a sense of beauty from the lines; 4) Ming-style furniture construction method generally comes from architectural timber frame construction method, so the legs and feet are the primary bases for change; 5) the philosophical theory of deconstructionism can be transformed into design theory; 6) furniture deconstruction is an endless extension and endless evolution; 7) there are diverse analytical methods in the deconstructive analysis stage; 8) design itself is the execution of deconstructionist thought.


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