  • 學位論文


Irrigation Efficiency Assessment of Furrow and Flooding Irrigations in Paddy Fields

指導教授 : 葉一隆


水稻是臺灣主要栽培作物之一,所占面積廣大,種植過程隨著水稻成長而增加用水量。若在水稻種植過程中,能有效減少供水量,可有效提升農業水資源利用之效率。本研究利用砂箱與臺灣嘉南農田水利會灌溉推廣中心之3 m #westeur024# 5 m滲漏儀進行試驗,在田區相同蓄水模式下,比較漫灌及溝灌兩種灌溉方式之節水效益,並評估稻米產量之差異性。由研究結果顯示,在砂箱中點處蓄水5 cm,待水深減少至1 cm左右即進行灌溉之模式下,溝灌可有效減少30 %灌溉水量。由現地滲漏計試驗結果得知,溝灌比漫灌在抽穗期前可減少30 %用水量;在抽穗期間需水量較大,雖然兩者用水量接近,但溝灌比漫灌仍可減水10 %用水量。而兩種灌溉方式對水稻根系發展及收成量評估,溝灌於田區保存水份於溝渠,溝渠外之地面乾裂,有利於空氣交換與根系發展,因此溝灌的根系比漫灌較為碩大。而漫灌之水稻根系最長約20 cm,溝灌則根長可達25 cm。稻米產量在濕重時,溝灌產量比漫灌平均每株多2.86 g。


溝灌 漫灌 田間需水量 滲漏計


Rice is one of the main crops cultivated in Taiwan, accounting for the majority cultivate area. The planted rice will increase water consumption following growing process. If the rice planting process can effectively reduce the amount of water consumption that can effectively improve the efficiency of agricultural water utilization. In this study, a sand box and a 3 m #westeur024# 5 m lysimeter, located in Irrigation Promotion Center, Taiwan Chia-Nan Irrigation Association, were tested for water saving efficiency of rice consumption. In field two irrigation methods, furrow irrigation and flooding irrigation, were compared the water saving efficiency as well as the assessment of rice production under the same water storage condition. The results shown that in sand box test water started to supply the furrow irrigation mode was able to reduce 30% water consumption when the water depth of midpoint was reduced to 1 cm. In the field lysimeter test, furrow irrigation was 30% water consumption less than flooding irrigation before rice heading period. During the rice heading period, although rice growth need large amount of water the furrow irrigation was 10% less than flooding irrigation. The rice root assessment shown the development of root was more gigantic root for furrow irrigation than flooding irrigation. Because the furrow irrigation was kept water inside the ditch the soil outside of ditch were leaked that conducive to the development of air exchange with the root. The longest rice root was 20 cm for flooding irrigation however it was up to 25 cm for furrow irrigation. For furrow irrigation the average rice production was 2.86 g per plant in the wet weight for furrow irrigation more than flooding irrigation.


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