  • 學位論文


Building a Consumer-Brand identification and comsumer reaction model of online community—the brand position as a moderator

指導教授 : 林心慧


虛擬社群已經逐漸成為品牌行銷不可或缺的媒體,臉書更是虛擬社群中品牌經營的首要互動平台。為了瞭解在虛擬社群環境中,品牌社群的經營方式與品牌定位對於品牌認同的影響,本研究將建構臉書虛擬社群環境中,顧客對品牌的社群認同反應模式。C-B認同的前因將社群的使用者體驗分為功能性與心理性兩個分類,其中功能性包含有用性、溝通、產品呈現、互動性與社會呈現;心理性則包含信任、金錢價值、企業視覺辨識、生活方式認同、企業/自我認定要素與情感經驗。功能性與心理性構面分別影響共創價值與C-B認同,本研究也探討了品牌定位(精品/平價)在功能性與心理性因素影響共創價值之路徑上的調節效果,以及共創價值對於C-B認同的影響。而本研究認為C-B認同在後續影響社群內部與外部行為,其中內部行為包含忠誠度、忽略負面消息與品牌偏好等構面,而外部行為則包含對公司有強力要求、參與品牌活動與口碑推廣等構面。資料收集來源為有加入品牌官方粉絲頁之臉書使用者,經由實體與網路資料蒐集得到360份有效樣本,並經由結構方程模式進行資料分析。 本研究結果發現,精品品牌的臉書環境功能性體驗中,溝通、產品呈現、互動性對於社群成員的共創價值皆有影響;功能性體驗對於C-B認同的直接影響包含有用性、溝通與產品呈現。心理性體驗對共創價值有影響力的構面包含信任、企業/自我認定要素與情感經驗;心理性體驗對C-B認同的直接影響方面,包含信任、金錢價值、企業/自我認定要素及情感經驗。在平價品牌臉書粉絲專頁中,體驗對共創價值影響顯著之功能性體驗構面包含有用性、溝通、互動性、社會呈現;功能性體驗對於C-B認同的直接影響有溝通構面。在心理性體驗構面中,對共創價值影響顯著之構面有信任、金錢價值、企業視覺辨識、企業/自我認定要素、情感經驗。心理性體驗對於C-B認同影響之顯著構面有金錢價值、生活方式、企業/自我認定要素、情感經驗。顧客對品牌產生C-B認同之後的內部與外部行為反應,精品品牌C-B認同模式之內部行為反應影響最大的為忠誠度;而外部行為反應影響最大的為對公司有強力要求。平價品牌產生之內部行為反應以忠誠度受影響最大,外部行為反應以對公司有強力要求之構面影響效果最大。干擾效果部分,體驗的功能性構面中,有用性對C-B認同之影響受到品牌定位干擾,在心理性的體驗構面方面,信任與企業視覺辨識對C-B認同之影響受品牌定位之干擾。本研究結果預期對於虛擬社群環境中品牌定位與品牌認同有理論發展與實務應用層面之貢獻。


品牌 體驗 共創價值 品牌認同 品牌定位


Virtual community becomes a necessary media of brand marketing. Facebook is the primary interaction platform of brand operation. To understand the influence of the user experience and position on brand identity, this study tries to build a customer- brand identification reactive model in the context of virtual community of Facebook. The antecedents of C-B identification were divided into functional experience and psychological experience. Functional experience are including usability, communication, product presence, interactivity, social presence;Psychological experience are including trust, value for money, corporate visual identity, life style, corporate/self-identitly components and emotional experience. Co-value and C-B identification are influenced by functional and psychological constructs separately. This study also investigated the moderating effects of brand position the relationship between functional/ psychological and co-value, as well as the impact of co-value on C-B identification. This study also estimated the consequences of C-B identification from the view of consumers’ in-behaviors and extra-behaviors. In-behaviors including loyalty, resilience to negative information and brand preference. Extra-behaviors including stronger claim on brand、attend brand activities and word of mouth。360 usable responses were collected from the facebook users who liked the pages and analyzed by structural equation model. The findings demonstrate that the constructs in functional experience of luxury brand page context,s communication, product presence, interactivity had significant effects on co-value. And the direct influence of functional experience on C-B identification including usability, communication and product presence. The significant influence of psychological experience on co-value are trust, corporate/self-identity components and emotional experience. The direct influence of psychological experience on C-B identification including trust, value for money, corporate/self-identity components and emotional experience.In the context of budget brand pages, the significant influence constructs of functional experience on co-value including usability, communication, interactivity, social presence. Communication is the significant construct of functional experience on C-B identification. trust、value for money、corporate visual identity、corporate/self-identity components、emotional experience are the constructs of psychological experience that influenced on co-value. The significant construct of psychological experience on C-B identification are value for money, life style, corporate/self-identity components, emotional experience. To in-behaviors and extra-behaviors reaction of consumers who identify to luxury brands, Loyalty is the most influence in in-behavior and stronger claim on brand is most influence in extra-behavior. In the context of budget brand, Loyalty is the most influence in in-behavior and stronger claim on brand is the most influence in extra-behavior. The results of moderating effects indicated that in the constructs of functional experience, brand position moderate the influence of usability on C-B identification. And in the constructs of psychological experience, the influence of trust and corporate visual identity on C-B identification are moderated by brand position. The theoretical and practical contribution of brand position and brand identification in virtual community were provided.


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