  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Board Characteristics and Organizational Complexity on Firm Performance: Evidence from Natural Gas Industry

指導教授 : 劉若蘭


本研究以台灣民營公用天然氣公司為研究對象,主要探討董事會特性及組織複雜度對經營績效之影響。本研究共選取13家公司為樣本,研究期間為2010-2015年,以追蹤資料型態進行處理分析。 本研究之董事會特性的研究變數包含董事會持股比率(政府持股、民間持股)、董事會規模、董事會開會次數、董事會出席率、董監質押比例。組織複雜度的研究變數包括公司規模、資產特性、營收成長率;以資產報酬率為公司經營績效指標。實證結果發現董事會持股比率-政府持股、董事會開會次數對資產報酬率呈現顯著正相關;董監質押比例對資產報酬率呈現顯著負相關;資產特性、負債比率對資產報酬率呈現顯著負相關;供氣普及率與公司經營績效彼此間呈顯著正相關。其引申之意為天然氣公司的董事會持股-政府持股多寡對該產業具有影響力;公司財務健全,負債比率低,用戶供氣普及率高,固定資產輸氣設備成本越低,可提昇公司資產運用效能,也意涵都市型的天然公司經營優勢高於鄉村型的天然氣公司,所以建議未來應積極提高經營區域內的供氣普及率,才能提升經營的績效。


By selecting samples from publicly listed firms in natural gas industry in Taiwan from 2011 to 2015, this study aimed to explore the impact of the Board Characteristics and Organizational Complexity on Firm Performance. The variables of characteristics of board include the ratio of board shareholding (government shareholding, private shareholding), the scale of the board, the number of board meeting, the ratio of board attendance, and the ratio of Director/controller pledged. The variables of organizational complexities include the size of company, asset characteristics, and the growth rate of sales. Using return on assets for the firm performance. The empirical results found that the ratio of board shareholding - the government shareholding, and the number of board meeting on the return on assets showed a significant positive correlation; however, Director/controller pledged has a negative correlation with the return on assets. Asset characteristics and the load ratio are significantly negative associated with asset returns; popularizing rate of supplying gas and company operation performance are positively correlated with each other. It extended means that the board shareholding in natural gas company- the number of government shareholding has an influence on its industry; perfect in finance, low in the load ratio, high in supplying gas popularization, and the lower cost in the fixed assets of gas transmission equipment may enhance efficiency to the company's assets. It also means that the performance of natural gas firm in city is superior in country. In the near future, raising the operation in ratio of supplying gas popularization to improve the operation performance.


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