  • 學位論文


Using a Flash Animation Searching and Harvesting System to Study the Feasibility for Transforming Internet Flash Animation into Learning Resources

指導教授 : 游耿能




The teachers of Flash movies design courses often needed examples to assist their instructions during the teaching of various movies types and techniques. But to produce pedagogical Flash examples are time-consuming and sometimes un-nature. An alternative way to find suitable examples is by harvesting Flash movies on the Internet. But the usability of these Flash movies as teaching tools needs to be further investigated. Therefore, this study explored issues relating to the web-assisted Flash movies design instruction by building a web-based prototype with functions of harvesting, parsing and categorizing Flash movies. In our prototype, users could harvest Flash movies from the commercial websites as potential examples. These examples are parsed and classified into four different types of movies by instructors according to the techniques it employed. Gradually, instructors could build a web-based Flash movies examples library with functions to visualize some parsed components to help both teachers and students. We first built a draft prototype to solicit opinions for modification from five Flash instructors and designers. After modifications according these opinions, the prototype is demonstrated and used by selected instructors and learners to appreciate the basic design concept of Flash movies, or explore creative methods of movie-making through parsed images of Flash movies. Finally, we use interview and questionnaire methods to evaluate the usability of the prototype. The preliminary result shows encouraging feedback from these potential users.


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