  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships of Firefighter’s Workload ,Exercise habits ,and Yearly Training Performance --- A Case Study of Taichung City Fire Bureau

指導教授 : 謝俊宏


消防人員在接獲民眾報案後,必須立即整裝出動救災,此時的任何動作都必須是快速、精確及有效率的,所以消防人員隨時承受在高壓力狀況下,且救災時必須擁有各種體能來應付各種狀況,因此消防人員必須有足夠體能以應付消防工作。惟消防勤務具有相當之獨特性,必須24小時待命,其特殊之勤務方式,致消防人員較少時間從事休閒運動及鍛練體能,所以消防人員除在勤餘時要充分運用時間,多從事體能性運動,另必須在常年訓練及各種訓練時,加強鍛鍊戰技,強化自身體能及專業。 本研究蒐集臺中市消防局97年下半年常年訓練成績(3000公尺跑步、伏地挺身、負重訓練、舉重、仰臥起坐、單槓、折返跑)及消防人員之基本資料、勤業務量、運動習慣等資料,進行統計分析。另進一步了解常訓運動表現較佳之消防人員,其平常上、下班之運動習慣及自我訓練方式,本研究人員並對常訓運動表現優良之消防人員進行訪談。本研究重要發現如下: 一、消防人員之BMI與常訓運動表現有顯著相關。 二、外勤女性消防人員在需要強大肌力(伏地挺身、負重訓練、舉重、仰臥起坐、單槓、折返跑)之運動項目中,明顯小於男性消防人員,但在耐力運動項目部分(3000公尺跑步),則與男性消防人員無顯著差異。 三、沒有吸菸習慣者在大部分之常訓運動項目成績明顯優於有吸菸習慣者。 四、甲組消防人員常訓運動表現明顯表現較好。 五、消防人員對運動喜愛程度愈高,其自發運動程度愈高。 六、消防人員所從事的運動項目依序可分為下列七類:1、跑步;2、球類運動;3、游泳;4、腳踏車;5、重量訓練;6、登山;7、健走;8、其他。 七、中勤務量組,其常訓術科成績明顯高於低勤務量組。 本研究所得之研究結果,期能供消防人員及主管機關做為規劃消防人員訓練及勤務之參考。


After receiving reports, the firefighters must immediately go out on duty. Any actions at this time must be fast, accurate and efficient. Therefore, the firefighters are not only under high-pressure situations at any time, but must have sufficient physical fitness to deal with the emergency situation. However, firefighters must be 24-hour standby, so they have less time to engage in recreational movement and physical exercise. This research collect the 2008 semi-annual yearly training performance (3000-meter run, push-ups, weight training, weightlifting, sit-ups, horizontal bar gymnastics, shuttle run) ,basic personal information , workload, and exercise habits of the firefighters of Taichung City Fire Bureau, and using statistical methods to analyze. In addition, the researchers try to interview the firefighters who have better yearly training performance, in order to further understand their exercise habits and self-training methods. Important findings of this study are as follows: 1. There are a significant correlation between firefighters’ BMI value and yearly training performance. 2. Female firefighters are significantly less than male firefighters in need strong campaign muscle items (push-ups, weight training, weightlifting, sit-ups, horizontal bar gymnastics, shuttle run), but they are no significant differences with male firefighters in the endurance item (3000-meter run). 3. The firefighters with no smoking habit have better yearly training performance than the firefighters with smoking habit. 4. "A" group of firefighters often showed better performance in the most items of yearly training. 5. The degree of firefighter more popular exercise, the higher the degree of spontaneous movement. 6. 53.2% firefighters equally exercise at least 3 times every week. 7. Firefighters are engaged in physical exercise can be divided into the following seven categories: 1, running; 2, ball games; 3, swimming; 4, riding bicycle; 5, weight training; 6, mountaine climbing; 7, walking; 8, others. 8. The group of medium workload has better yearly training performance than the group of less workload. Results of this research could provide references to firefighters and in planning the duty of firefighters.


firefighter yearly training exercise habit




