  • 學位論文


Using Fuzzy Integral Logit Model on the Choice Behavior of Domestic Airlines

指導教授 : 楊志文


近年來隨著航空市場競爭日益劇烈,且運輸業也逐漸轉化為服務業,使得航空的服務品質逐漸被人重視,因此,航空公司應試著增進服務品質以提高顧客的滿意度。但由於服務品質不易衡量,且易受主觀認知的影響,故採用傳統的李克特尺度較不適當,因此,本研究透過模糊語意來設計研究問卷以對服務品質有較適切的描述,同時,由於服務品質評估準則間應存在相互關係,而非傳統研究中假設的準則間相互獨立,故本研究透過模糊積分的方式來進行服務品質的衡量,以處理準則間具有相關的問題。本研究依文獻回顧建立了12項服務品質評估準則,且以國內航線為例,調查旅客選擇航空公司的選擇行為,共回收375筆有效問卷。 在實證研究部份,本研究以李克特尺度、因素分析、模糊語意、模糊積分進行服務品質綜合評估值的計算,再將計算後的綜合評估值代入羅吉特模式中,進行模式校估,並針對校估結果進行分析與四種方法的模式比較,結果顯示,模糊積分羅吉特模式優於其它三種方法的羅吉特模式。在市場預測與策略研擬顯示,U航空的旅客最為敏感,而T航空則最能保持基本市場。


Since the development of transport industry is gradually transformed from manufactured-oriented to serviced-oriented, the issue of service quality for transport mode becomes more and more important in practical operation and academic research. Unlike the other kinds of visible products, aviation industry provides service as its products which are called the invisible product seeking customers’ psychological satisfaction. Therefore, most airlines try to provide better service quality in order to build credibility and gain customer satisfaction. Because of the invisible characteristic in service quality, the measuring and evaluating is not easy subjected to customers’ perception. The traditional method, Likert scale, could not measure accurately in psychological variables. Therefore, this research uses fuzzy linguistic variables to design the questionnaire. The empirical study is focus on the choice behavior of four major domestic airlines and collects the data of customer satisfaction for 12 criteria of service quality. After eliminating the incomplete samples, there are 375 valid samples into further analysis. This study adopts Likert scale, factor analysis, fuzzy linguistic and fuzzy integral method combining with multinomial logit model to analyze customers’ perception for service quality across four major domestic airlines. The empirical results show that fuzzy integral logit model is better than the others.


Ben-Akiva, M. & Lerman, S. R. (1985). Discrete choice analysis: Theory and application to travel demand, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
