  • 學位論文


The Study of Real-time Mobile Communication Apply to Teleconsultation

指導教授 : 簡淑華
共同指導教授 : 鍾燕宜(Yen-Yi Chung)


台灣隨著人口高齡化,醫療費用不斷地成長,為達到更好的醫藥資源利用,國內研究建議應透過更進步的資訊科技來達到整合性醫療照顧。然而,現今遠距醫療照護相關研究僅就儀器或科技的層面實施探討,未能從患者觀感探討遠距醫療的基本需求。本研究彙整醫療市場特性,針對患者需求以充足的醫療資訊、低廉的就醫成本、良好的互動品質及溝通技巧為重要性因素構面,在現行整合性醫療照護的營運概念下,探討以行動通信即時視訊進行醫療諮詢之主要影響因素,提供未來開發行動通信即時視訊醫療諮詢系統之策略參考。 本研究透過問卷訪查所得樣本實施因素分析及層級程序因素分析,探討國內疾病高危險群對於手機視訊執行遠距醫療諮詢的主要影響因素,從評選結果發現,前三大主要影響因子依序為「遠距醫療人員的經驗豐富(評選值:0.0136)」、「顧客隨時隨地可使用醫療諮詢(評選值:0.0112)」、「遠距醫療人員樂於與病人溝通(評選值:0.0111)」。由此可知,對顧客而言進步的醫療科技帶來方便快速的醫療,並非是讓他們使用遠距醫療諮詢主要因素,相對地,顧客在乎的仍然是醫療的基本層面。如視病猶親的同理心、醫療人員豐富的經驗等,因此,建議未來開發行動通信即時視訊遠距醫療諮詢整合服務模式,應透過更多的醫事人員積極地參與和投入,方能得到顧客的青睞。


With Taiwan's aging population, medical costs continue to grow, in order to achieve better use of medical resources, the research proposals should use more advanced information technology to meet the integrated medical care. However, the present study telemedical care only explored the level of implementation in equipment or technology, failured to investigate the basic needs of health care from the patient's perception. In this study, we collect characteristics of the health care market, from the important dimensions of adequate medical information, medical treatment at low cost, good quality of interaction and communication skills, integrated medical care in the current operating concept to find out the main factors of real-time mobile communications apply to teleconsultation and to achieve the best strategy of implementation of the program. The study used factor analysis procedures and Analytic Hierarchy Process f to explore the main factors of high-risk patients would use mobile phone video for the implementation of telemedical consultation from the samples, the most important factors were as "telemedical experienced medical staff (value: 0.0136)", "customers can use anytime, anywhere medical advice (value: 0.0112)", "telemedical staff are happy to work with patients to communicate (value: 0.0111)." It can be seen that the quickly and easily medical health care cause of advaced technology is not the main factor to allow them to use telemedical consultation.On contrast, the customer still cares about the basic needs of health care, Such as empathy of medical staff and rich experience in teleconsultation.It is proposed that the future development of real-time mobile communication integration teleconsultation service model, should be more active in medical staff participation and input, it will works to patients


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18.廖士程,李明濱,2000,“醫學中心住院醫師之醫病溝通訓練成效”, 醫學教育,4卷,3期,頁294-306。
