  • 學位論文


Analysis on the Personality Trait Cognition of Facial Symbolism in Chinese Opera for Sixth-Grade Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 謝寶泰


由於國劇臉譜具有約定俗成的人格特質,同時國小六年級的學生對人格特質形容詞具有認知能力,本研究擬探討國小六年級學生對國劇臉譜的人格特質認知,預期以國劇臉譜當作教育及輔導工作者簡易測知人格特質的工具。 本研究以九款國劇臉譜,配合描述台灣國小高年級學童人格特質形容詞,製成前測問卷(pre-test)72份,篩選形容詞佔比大於59.5%的前五選項,再據以形成正式問卷,調查220份。 由問卷所蒐集的資料,透過交叉表分析及卡方檢定,證實用國劇臉譜當測試工具的結果,國小六年級學生的人格特質認知,與性別及地區別無關。本研究選擇各款國劇臉譜的人格特質認知,是次數統計分析佔比大於64.4%的前三高選項。佔比最高的選項在性別及地區別上,除了金色(如來佛)與銀色(關平)臉譜外,仍有不同。 本研究的測試工具,依循人格特質問卷自評的方式,透過選擇代表自我的國劇臉譜,簡化了解國小六年級學生的初步人格特質程序,對教育及輔導工作者將有所助益。 對於未來與本主題有關之研究,建議增加地區及樣本、增加研究變項、更換問卷的選用圖片、加入其他研究方法,俾使本研究的結構更縝密,結果參考性更高。


Since facial symbolism in Chinese opera (FSCO) holds conventional personality trait (PT), meanwhile sixth-grade elementary school students (SGESS) have the capability to select adjective to represent PT, this paper intended to survey SGESS’s PT cognition of FSCO. Further, it anticipated that FSCO could be used as a tool to help educators and counseling workers simplify the approach to survey the PT of SGESS. By selecting nine kinds of FSCO and associating with Taiwan’s adjective for PT of SGESS, 72 pre-test questionnaires were collected. Then for each FSCO, its first five adjectives rating over 59.5% were confirmed and 220 subjects were surveyed. The statistical result of cross table analysis and Chi-square examination showed that SGESS’s PT cognition of FSCO, which served as an assessing tool, is independent of gender differences and region differences. This paper selected the representative PT cognition of FSCO from the first three adjectives rating over 64.4%. However, for each FSCO the adjective with the highest rating of frequency distribution table still shows differences except the golden color (Tathagata buddha) and the silver color (Guan Ping). Following the way of self comment on PT questionnaire, this paper asked SGESS to select FSCO to represent themselves and suggest a simplified PT assessing procedure for SGESS. This could be helpful for educator and the counseling workers assessing the PT of SGESS. As for future research in this filed, this paper suggested increase the survey areas, the samples, and research variable, replace the questionnaire pictures, adopt other research techniques.


1. 王美娥。2006。《國小學童對形狀與色彩組合的情緒意象調查研究》。大葉大學造型藝術學系碩士在職專班碩士論文。
一、 專書
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2. 王少洲繪、曾國霖撰。1985。《國劇臉譜藝術》。台北:漢光文化公司。
3. 王勝華。2006。《中國戲劇的早期形態》。雲南大學出版社。
