  • 學位論文


The Study on Stress in Clinical Practice Internship and Professional Commitment among Graduating Nursing Students of a 5-year Junior College in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖梨伶
共同指導教授 : 賴苡汝(Yi-Ru Lai)


本研究旨在探討護理科應屆畢業生個人基本屬性與實習壓力對護理專業承諾的影響。本研究採問卷調查法,結構式問卷內容包括基本資料、實習壓力量表、護生專業承諾量表三大部分,實習壓力量表、護生專業承諾量表經原作者同意後使用。研究對象為南部某醫專101學年度完成全年實習且成績及格之護理科應屆畢業生 260位,共發出260份問卷,問卷有效回收率為95%。資料分析方法包括:描述性統計分析、獨立樣本 t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析與逐步迴歸分析。結果顯示:(1)實習壓力的平均得分為1.41(SD=0.51),屬中等程度,最主要壓力來源為「作業及工作量之壓力」。專業承諾的平均得分為2.90(SD=0.42),屬中上程度,評價最高的專業承諾為「專業生涯涉入意願」。 (2) 基本資料中「性別」和壓力感受有相關性(r=.033),「性別」和「就讀護理科系之動機」和專業承諾有相關性(r=.021 and r=.002) (3)專業承諾與實習壓力呈負相關( r=-0.301),「就讀護理科系之動機」和「實習壓力」能預測護生專業承諾,解釋變異量為11.5%。進一步分析實習壓力分量表之子變項對專業承諾的預測力,只有「教師及護理人員之壓力」(β=-0.180) 和「專業知識及技能之壓力」(β=-0.161)有預測力,解釋變異量為12.1%。研究結果可提供護專在招生及安排臨床實習之參考,期望提高護生於未來投入護理工作的意願。


This study aims to investigate the effects of personal attributes and internship pressure of the graduates in the nursing school on nursing professional commitment. A questionnaire survey method was adopted. The questionnaire consisted three major parts, including demographic variables, internship stress scale, and the professional commitment scale. The internship stress scale and the professional commitment scale were authorized by the original authors. Study subjects were 260 nursing graduates in a southern medical college of Taiwan, who completed a full year of internship in the 101 academic year. We issued a total of 260 questionnaires and collected 246 valid questionnaires (95% effective response rate). Data analysis methods included descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and stepwise regression. The results show that: (1) The average score of nursing students for internship pressure is 1.41 (SD=0.51), meaning moderate level of stress. The major perceived stress source is “homework and workload pressure”. The average score of nursing students for professional commitment is 2.90 (SD=0.42), meaning moderate and high level of commitment. The top rated commitment is “willingness of involving in professional career”. (2) Among demographic variables, only gender is significant associated with internship pressure (r=.033), and only gender and “motivation for studying in a nursing school” are significant related to professional commitment (r=.021 and r=.002). (3) Internship pressure is negatively related to professional commitment (r=-0.301). “Motivation for studying in a nursing school” and internship pressure are significant predictors of professional commitment, explaining for 11.5% of total variation. In a further analysis, it is found that two subscales of internship pressure, “pressure from teachers and nurses” and “pressure of inadequate professional knowledge and skills”, are significant predictors of professional commitment (β=-0.180 and β=-0.161), explaining for 12.1% of total variation. Findings of this study can provide an important reference for administrators of nursing schools in recruitment of new students and arrangement of internship courses with the hope of promoting the willingness of nursing students to join nursing work in the future.


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