  • 學位論文


A study of the relationships between leadership effectiveness and trust---the case of the Wei-An Police Special Service Commando

指導教授 : 賴慶松
共同指導教授 : 翁慧卿(Huei-Chin Weng)


警政署成立一支反恐的維安特勤隊來執行各類高風險勤務。本研究探討維安特勤隊中領導效能與部屬信任感之間的關係,維安特勤隊為國家級專責處理反恐任務的隊伍,其所面臨的作業環境危險性高於其它的警察單位甚多,在此等高壓力的工作環境中,其指揮命令者與執行者間的信賴基礎關係為何?是信任還是存疑?是執行還是抗拒?其二者間的信任基礎為何等,都是極需去深入探討其根由的。 本研究採用質性分析法,以維安特勤隊現職人員為訪談研究對象,分別採訪指揮者與執行者,希望能深入其於執勤時的內心世界,了解其執行相關命令的心理態樣,並依所得資料透過分析來獲得結論。 經深度訪談結果發現: (一)高度的風險是維安特勤隊的工作壓力主要來源。 (二)維安特勤隊之指揮系統為專業領導。 (三)指揮者與執勤者之信任關係與專業能力成正比。 本項研究得知維安特勤隊指揮者與執勤者間因其特殊性工作壓力,並就資料分析提出結論,以提供警政機關、維安特勤隊人員及後續研究者作為具體改進之方法及未來可研究之方向,進而健全維安特勤隊指揮者與執行者間之信賴合作關係。


壓力 領導效能 信任感 特勤隊


National Police Agency has set up a counter-terrorism team, Wei-An Police Special Service Commando (Wei-An P.S.S.C.), to deal with all kinds of tasks with high risks. This study focuses on the leadership effectiveness of Wei-An P.S.S.C. and the trust relationships between the conductors and subordinates in Wei-An P.S.S.C. Wei-An P.S.S.C. is a national-leveled team, which specially deals with anti-terrorism tasks, so the risks in its working environments are much higher than the risks in the ones that other police units work in. Under such a enormous pressure, what are the trust bases between the conductors and the executors? Do the executors act with trust or with doubt? Will the executors actually obey the orders or resist the orders? Above issues are indeed worthy of further discussions about the bases of trust between the two sides. This study applies qualitative analysis method by individually interviewing the present conductors and the subordinates of Wei-An P.S.S.C., and concludes from the analytical interviewing data, expecting to understand their deeper voices and the psychological states when they were on duty or performing the commands. Results of deep interviews, I have found that: (1) High risk in working environments is the main pressure among all the working stresses for Wei-An P.S.S.C. (2) The conducting system of Wei-An P.S.S.C. is a professional leadership. (3) The trust relationship between the conductors and the executors is directly proportional to the professional capability. This study not only points out the particular working intense between conductors and the subordinates of Wei-An P.S.S.C., but also provides the police agencies, Wei-An P.S.S.C. officers, and researchers with specific methods for future improvements and study directions; and therefore, to complete and to enhance the trust relationships and partnerships between Wei-An P.S.S.C. conductors and subordinates.


洪昭榮(1990)。主管領導力激發與培育(4版) 。清華管理科學圖書中心。
