  • 學位論文


Effects of Leadership Styles on the Subordinates’Job Performance, Satisfaction, and Role Recognition---An Exploratory Study of the Criminal Investigation Police in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李伯謙 博士


領導型態對部屬工作績效、工作滿意度及角色認知之影響 ─以刑事警察為對象之探索性研究 研究生:劉進財 指導教授:李伯謙 博士 元 智 大 學 管 理 研 究 所 摘 要 本論文之主要研究目的是,以刑事警察領導幹部的兩種領導型態─昇華型領導型態(Transformational leadership)與交易型領導型態(Transactional leadership),來探討其與部屬之工作績效、工作滿意度和角色認知間之關係。本研究參考國內外領導理論相關之文獻,發展多項研究假設並實際驗證之。為實證這些研究假設,本研究利用問卷調查之方式,以桃園縣警察局刑警隊隊本部及所屬八個分局刑事組之內、外勤刑事人員計277人為研究樣本。本研究發現,昇華型與交易型兩種領導型態,與內、外勤刑事人員之工作滿意度和角色認知有不同程度的正負關係;但這兩種領導型態與內、外勤刑事人員之工作績效並無顯著的關係。最後本論文針對研究發現加以討論並提出未來研究之方向。


Effects of Leadership Styles on the Subordinates’ Job Performance, Satisfaction, and Role Recognition ---An Exploratory Study of the Criminal Investigation Police in Taiwan Student : Jinn-Tsai Liu Advisor: Po-chien Li, Ph.D. Graduate School of Management Yuan-Ze University Abstract The purpose of the research was to explore the relationship between supervisory leadership styles and subordinates’ job performance, satisfaction, and role recognition in a detective police context. The leadership styles examined were transactional leadership style and transformational leadership style, and a paper-pencil survey was applied to obtain data for hypothesis testing. The samples were recruited from the criminal investigation unit of the Taoyuan Police Department. Totally, 213 respondents, including 142 line detectives and 71 staff policemen, returned usable answers, and each group’s data were analyzed with Pearson’s correlation analysis separately. The results of the present research showed that both transactional and transformational leadership styles had different relationships with the outcome variables of job satisfaction and role recognition. Nonetheless, for both line detectives and staff policemen, the two leadership styles did not have a significant relationship with job performance. Discussions on research findings and suggestions for future research were also provided in the thesis.




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