  • 學位論文


Working poor in Taiwan's young generations:eight study cases for the repayment process of school loan.

指導教授 : 黃志隆


本研究主要關注青年世代在初入職場後的工作貧窮現象,透過就學貸款政策作為研究媒介,並以工作貧窮、職涯發展選擇、勞動市場結構三個面向進行探討。研究針對大學以及碩士畢業五年內的青年世代蒐集8位受訪者之深度訪談資料,藉由文本分析法,和社會網路分析,分析其在上述三面向的異同。   研究結果顯示,青年世代在踏入職場後,影響可支配所得的主要因素有就學貸款的償還與房租。在此面向得出的歸類有:(一)在擺脫工作貧窮的途徑中、(二)工作貧窮、(三)非典型工作貧窮。在職涯發展選擇面向的主要發現則為社會性的社會排除。在此面向得出的歸類有:(一) 且戰且走、(二) 社會排除、(三) 非社會排除。最後,在勞動市場結構面向方面,本研究的主要發現則為工作機會選擇的排擠。在此面向得出的歸類有(一) 興趣選擇、(二) 無其他選擇。   過去就學貸款被視為一項立意良善的生命轉銜政策,但在現今的低薪環境下,該政策工具卻成為青年世代落入工作貧窮的高風險影響因素之一,本研究成果可以作為當前青年工作貧窮議題的政策方向建議。


This thesis try to understand working poor situation of young generations in Taiwan. It interviews eight cases which are the 5 years graduated bachelors or masters with school loans. We try to analysis their differences for the working poor, career path, and labour market structure between them through the method of text analysis and social network. The research outcome indicated the repayment of school loan and rents would be key impact factors for young generations’ disposable income after entering working places. For the dimension of working poor, we can distinguish three categories: on the way of getting rid of working poor, working poor, and atypical working poor. For the dimension of career path, we can distinguish three categories: with draw as fighting, social exclusion, non-social exclusion. For the dimension of labour market structure, we can distinguish two categories: choose according individual interest, and Can’t make a choice. According the above analysis, we not only understand the transition path for the young generations of eight cases, but also recognize the school loan has becomes a risk factor for the young generations with school loan in Taiwan.


一、 英文文獻
Elster, J. (1988) Is There (or Should There Be) a Right to Work?, in A.Gutmann (ed.), Democracy and the Welfare State, pp. 51-78. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
二、 中文文獻
