  • 學位論文


The Relationship Among the Type of Using Smart Phone, Working Pressure, and Addiction to Smart Phone- the Example of Civil Servants in Kaohsiung City Government

指導教授 : 蔡吉昌


依據台灣行動廣告公司Vpon一份針對台灣用戶之資料顯示使用智慧型手機之用戶利用上班時間利用手機上網非常頻繁,中午休息時間更達到最高峰,另外該用戶下班時間利用手機也非常頻繁,可見智慧型手機用戶可能會有某種程度的沉迷,而公部門機關單位員工似乎是優於許多其他的產業,但是由於在政府推行許多多元的創新政策,所以不論在民眾服務流程或政策發展上,都會比以往更辛苦,故感到過多的工作壓力都會使員工工作滿意降低、工作績效下降。 本研究想了解公部門員工在高度的工作壓力下,使用智慧型手機所產生的行為為何?會不會因為工作壓力所致而產生沉迷行為?因此本研究欲探討員工工作壓力與使用智慧型手機沉迷行為之關係。 本研究對象是以高雄市政府機關員工為抽樣母體,利用問卷設計獲得實證發現,抽樣的方式則採取「便利抽樣」,研究對象為有使用過智慧型手機的員工,本研究先利用敘述性統計分析、t 檢定、變異數分析、迴歸分析,研究結果: 一、高雄市政府機關員工使用智慧型手機特性與其工作壓力具顯著差異。 二、高雄市政府機關員工使用智慧型手機特性與其沉迷行為具顯著差異。 三、高雄市政府機關員工工作壓力與沉迷行為之相關性具顯著差異。


According to Vpon, a mobile advertising platform, it showed that Taiwanese users surfed the Internet very frequently during work, especially lunch time. In addition, they also surfed the Internet frequently after work. To some extent, smart phone users are addicted to their smart phones. People think that working in the public sector is better than other jobs. However, it is tougher than before to serve the citizens or develop the policy due to the many new polices by government. Therefore, the public servants’ performance and working satisfaction decrees by a lot of working pressure. This study intended to explore what the civil servants used smart phone under high working pressure. Were they addicted to using smart phone by working pressure? It also discussed the relationship between the civil servants’ working pressure and their behaviors of addicted to smart phone. The participants of this study who had used smart phone were selected in the civil sector in Kaohsiung city. Based on the convenience sampling, this research was conducted by descriptive statistics, t-test, regression analysis, analysis of variance. The results are as follows: 1. There is significant difference between the type of civil servants’ working pressure in Kaohsiung city and their behavior of using smart phone. 2. There is significant difference between the type of civil servants’ addition to smart smart phone in Kaohsiung city and their behavior of using smart phone. 3. There is significant difference between the civil servants’ working pressure in Kaohsiung city and their addition to smart phone.


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4.林珊如(2012),智慧型手機持續使用意圖、使用行為與使用滿意度的關聯性探討─以期望確認理論觀點,成功大學高階管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) 碩士論文。
