  • 學位論文


Research police retirements status of retirement security police- In the Fifth Corps Security Police Case

指導教授 : 蕭宏金 葉上葆


自解嚴之後,群眾運動有如雨後春筍,不斷在各地發生。雖然群眾運動並非解嚴之後的特有產物,群眾運動風潮卻在解嚴之後形成。而原由警備總部全權處理的群眾運動,也自解嚴之後權責轉移至警察機關,此一轉變象徵另一階段警民互動關係的開始,保安警察也因此孕育而生。 筆者透過國家圖書館及各種網路途徑尋找,發現鮮少有學者針對保安警察人員之工作壓力去做探討及研究,故本文研究旨在利用筆者本身任職於內政部警政署保安警察第五總隊(以下簡稱:保五總隊)第三大隊警力調度業務,希望以執行太陽花學運經驗為例,採用深度訪談方式針對保安警察各階層員警內心深處對工作壓力真實的想法及看法,期能瞭解保五總隊警察人員工作壓力,以提出改善員警身心健康之對策,提昇警察工作品質減少警察執勤戰力之損失。 第一章、主要在說明研究目的、動機、方法、以及研究之重要性。 第二章、則在敘述國內外相關文獻探討各種不同型態的警察工作壓力之意涵,以及壓力之來源。 第三章、則是透過保五總隊處理太陽學運之過程,了解各階層警察人員所承受之壓力以及對員警本身之影響。 第四章、透過深度訪談了解員警內心真正的感受及想法,分析並找出壓力之來源及尋求解決之道。 第五章、針對研究分析結果向警察機關、政府部門及後續研究提出建議。


Since the lifting of martial law. The mass movement like spring up like mushrooms.Occur continuely in everywhere. Although the mass movement is not the specific produc after the lifting of martial law. After the wave of mass movement was formed martial law. The mass movement originally garrison headquarters sole discretion, but also the transfer of responsibilities to the police after the lifting of martial law, this change symbolizes another stage of the interaction between police and the beginning. Therefore the Security Police is bred. The author through the National Library and a variety of ways to find network.Find there are few scholars doing research to explore and work for the security police pressure. Therefore, this study aims to use the author itself in the Security Police Corps Third Battalion of the Fifth police dispatch services then want to perform sunflower student movement as an example of experience. Depth-interviews to the depths of the Security Police for all levels of police pressure inside the work's ideas and perceptions.Expect can realize working pressure of Paul five corps of police officers and put forward measures of improving the physical and mental health of police. Enhance the quality of police work. Reduce the loss of combat power of the police on duty. Part one: The main is explanate purpose,motive,means and the important of research. Part two: In the description of the relevant literature to explore the implications of different patterns of stress of police work, as well as the source of stress. Part three: It is processed by the Security Police of the Fifth Corps of the student movement in the process of the sun, to understand all levels of police personnel to withstand the pressures and impacts on the police themselves. Part four: Through in-depth interviews to understand the police true feelings and ideas, analyze and identify the source of stress and find solutions. Part five: Make recommendations to the police, government departments and follow-up studies on the results of research and analysis.


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