  • 學位論文

台灣殯儀業服務品質之研究 以台中地區為例

Service quality of Taiwanese Funeral Houses – A study of Taichung Area

指導教授 : 陳美菁 博士


我國經濟發展已進入以服務業為主體的經濟體系,服務業就業人口已超過工業與農業。所以,我國已經正式邁入「服務經濟」階段。台灣的殯葬業務過去曾經靠著地方守望相助的街坊來集體完成,且都是因為鄉里、親族的情感而幫忙,並非要求實質上的利益。但如今由於現代的殯葬事宜,已轉變成專業服務的商業,情感交流的成分逐漸褪逝,取而代之的是純粹的商品、服務之購買行為。 再而國人不只對於生活品質的要求日益提高,且對於喪葬儀式與服務品質亦逐漸有所新要求;且在整個消費經濟體系中所扮演的角色,從服務或產品的接受者,轉成服務或產品的決定者,服務品質已成為遺族主事者及其親友對於服務或產品的最基本訴求,遺族主事者及其親友對於所購買的服務或產品,愈來愈重視所獲得的價值及滿意度,其購買後的經驗評估,會影響遺族主事者及其親友對於該產品或服務之行為意向。 然而目前文獻中有關以遺族主事者及其親友角度探討殯葬服務品質與滿意度之相關資料甚少基於人本關懷,實有進一步研究之必要。因此,本研究希望從遺族主事者及親友的觀點透過市場調查的方式,以大台中都會地區的民眾為研究對象,使用統計方法探討服務品質、顧客滿意度之間的相互關聯性,以作為殯葬業提升服務品質的參考。


My country economy''s developing has already got into to take service industry as the economic system of corpus, the service industry works the population have already exceeded industry and agriculture.So, my country has already formally exceeded to go into "service economy" stage.Taiwan lays a coffin in a memorial hall to bury business in the past ever depend on hit the ground square mutual help among neighbors neighbors to collectively completed, and all helped because of the emotion of village neighborhood, clansman, didn''t request a substantial benefit.But now due to modern of lay a coffin in a memorial hall matter of burying, have already changed into the business of professional service, emotion exchanges of the composition gradual Tun die and take and generation it of is a pure merchandise and service it purchase behavior. Again and the people don''t raise to the request of quality of life just day by day, and also have a new request gradually to the funeral rites and the service quality;And in the whole consumption economic system the role played, from service or product of accept, turn service or product of decision, the service quality has already become family of the deceased for service or product of the most basic claim, the family of the deceased values the value and satisfaction acquired more and more for the service or product purchased, it experience valuation after purchasing, meeting the influence family of the deceased and its friends and relatives is for the behavior intention of that product or service. However currently cultural heritage in relevant with family of the deceased main matter the and its friends and relatives angle inquire in to lay a coffin in a memorial hall to bury the related data of the service quality and satisfaction to very few originally be concerned with according to the person and actually have the necessity of further research.Consequently, this research hopes from the standpoint of the family of the deceased main matter and the friends and relatives through the way of market research, with big Taichung all will the people of region for research object, the method of the usage statistics inquires into the mutual connection of of service quality, customer satisfaction, with conduct and actions lay a coffin in a memorial hall to bury the reference that the industry promotes a service quality and results.


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