  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Travel Motivation , Specialization and Preferred Setting Attributes of Travel Distance-The Example of 『Four plus Two』Wheels at Sun Moon Lake

指導教授 : 張君如


摘 要 本研究以「4+2」輪族群為例,探討旅遊動機、精熟度對旅遊目的地環境屬性偏好之關係。採便利抽樣法選取日月潭國家風景區之「4+2」輪進行問卷發放,共計回收405份有效問卷。以SPSS12.0統計軟體作為分析工具,統計分析方法則包括項目分析、探索性因素分析、描述性統計、信度分析、Pearson積差相關分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與多元迴歸分析。研究結果如下: 一、「4+2」輪族群受訪者以男性居多,年齡多在31~ 40歲間,教育程度 以 大學/學院居多,婚姻狀況大部份都是已婚、有小孩,職業以軍公教人員居多,月收入多在20,000~40,000元,擁有的自行車類型以登山車為多數,大部份居住在南投縣,且從未參加過車隊的車友為多數,而用來 載運自行車的四輪車輛則是以小型轎車居多。 二、「4+2」輪族群之旅遊動機以「運動健身」為主,並且在「技巧與知識」、「重要性」及「車道認知」上具專業或熟練的程度。 三、「4+2」輪族群對於選擇騎乘路線時,則相當注重車道的設施與規劃,並偏好騎乘路線上具有文化與自然資源。 最後經迴歸分析結果顯示,「4+2」輪族群之旅遊動機、精熟度對旅遊目的地環境屬性偏好具有顯著的影響。「4+2」輪是一新興族群,未來建議可進行更多不同變項的研究。 【關鍵字】:「4+2」輪族群、旅遊動機、精熟度、旅遊目的地環境屬性偏好


Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the travel motivation and specialization on the preferred setting attributes of travel distances that was based on the example of the community of “Four Plus Two” Wheels, By adopting convenience sampling, questionnaires were distributed to the “Four Plus Two” cyclists around Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area, 405 effective questionnaires were collected. Analyzed by SPSS 12.0, the statistical and analytical methods included item analysis, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation, independent sample t-test, one way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. The Findings of the study were as follows: 1.The majority of the informants in “Four Plus Two” Wheels were the male cyclists, aging mostly between 31 and 40. In education, most of the subjects were found with bachelors degrees; in marital status, the higher percentage of the informants lies in the married with children; in occupation, government employees stand the greatest part; in economic status, the mainstream is found in informants with monthly income between NT$20,000 and NT$40,000. 2.Types of the bikes owned by most of the informants were the mountaineering bikes; most of the informants live in Nantou County, and most of whom have never joined any cycling team. With respect to the vehicles carrying the bikes for the journey around Sun Moon Lake, compact cars were mostly used. 3.The travel motivation of the community of “Four Plus Two” Wheels focused mainly on exercising, plus specialized or skillful levels in cycling techniques, knowledge, and biking path recognition. 4.In choosing the cycling paths, of which not only the facility and the design were taken into serious consideration, but preferences for the paths with cultural and natural resources were also given. 5.Finally, in regression analysis, effects of travel motivation and specialization were found significantly on the preferred setting attributes of travel distances. “Four Plus Two” Wheels is a booming community, and related studies investigating on more different variables are suggested in the future. Key Words:”Four Plus Two” wheels, travel motivation, specialization, preferred setting attributes of travel distance




