  • 學位論文


A Research of Expansion Strategy of Chain Tea-drinking Store- A Case Study of W Company

指導教授 : 葛維鈞




Nowadays, the tea industry is facing a rapidly increasing number of consumers. The business models developed by traditional business owners or consumers’ behavioral preferences are constantly changing as knowledge economy continues evolving. The owners granting franchises deal with the same challenges which all industries do, for example, strengthening competitiveness by enhancing their abilities in operations and management and targeting at an expansion of economic scale followed by the introduction of unique elements in order to attract more consumers. Until now, Taiwan’s retail market has been maturely developed and very competitive. The domestic chain industry has grown to meet chain operations and laid a foundation for further development by learning foreign successful experiences apart from making great efforts. For the chain businesses below the economies of scale and during a growth stage, continuous business expansion is the only way to achieve such scale and competitive advantages. Hence, expansion strategies are the key to the success of a business. However, current literature mostly center on business strategies, locations and commercial circles regarding expansion strategies without having a comprehensively in-depth research on expansion strategies. Based on the above, this study takes a business in the tea-drinking culture industry as a case to look into. A feasible analytical structure of expansion strategies is designed for this chain business. For exploring the differences between the expansion strategies practically adopted by the chain business in the growth stage and those developed based on related theories, exploratory method accompanied with case interviews were used to fully understand the expansion strategies and structure the case company adopted. Next, verification on the proposition is made in order to make comparisons and discussions on the structure developed by this study so as to tell the differences between practices and theories. Based on theoretical integration, discussions and analyses, a feasible analytical structure has been developed and applied to the practice of the case company’s expansion. It is verified that theories are generally consistent with practice except a slight gap in execution. The case company realized the needs for analyzing target markets, commercial circles and consumer characteristics while making expansion plans and strategies but it was unable to fully align its practice with the criteria of the theories.


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