  • 學位論文


The Study on Users’ Satisfaction of Taiyuan Greenway in Taichung City

指導教授 : 簡伃貞


太原園道為1956年臺中市都市計劃依霍華德花園城市概念中為抑止都市擴張所規劃,園道使用至今已超過50年以上,內部環境設施及維護管理已無法滿足使用者需求,台中市政府於2009年至2014年間透過內政部營建署推動臺灣城鄉風貌整體規劃示範計畫進行太原園道三階段改善工程。本研究旨在探討改善工程效益,,研究目的為探討:(一)不同社經背景之一般民眾對園道工程效益中設施滿意度之差異;(二) 使用者對於園道完工後半年與一年半後施工品質與維護管理滿意度之比較;(三)一般民眾與專家對園道工程效益重要度與滿意度之比較;(四)以重要表現程度分析法檢視一般民眾與專家學者對太原園道工程之策略發展。 本研究以問卷進行調查與分析,將改善工程分為三大構面「改善內容」、「施工品質」及「維護管理」,每一構面均包含六項設施因子「園景設施」、「休憩設施」、「社教設施」、「服務設施」、「無障礙設施及鋪面平整」及「照明設施」。研究結果顯示,(一)不同社經背景之一般民眾對園道工程效益中設施滿意度部分達顯著差異;(二)園道完工後一年半之施工品質與維護管理滿意度高於完工後半年;(三)一般民眾與專家對園道工程效益重要度與滿意度之比較,於三大構面中兩者的認知差異不大,但在設施因子中卻有所差異;(四)以重要表現程度分析法檢視一般民眾與專家學者對太原園道工程之策略發展,由於一般民眾使用園道頻率較高,而專家參與相關園道工作經驗豐富,但屬於短時間參與改善工程,因此兩者間對於園道各有其見解。 本研究建議,針對改善內容部分,一般民眾對於園道使用頻率較高,建議以一般民眾之使用需求為優先採納,使改善工程更貼近使用者需求;施工品質部分,具豐富經驗之專家學者可給予專業之意見,因此此構面建議著重於專業學者,以建立更加完善且安全之施工品質;維護管理部分,則屬一般民眾與專家學者可共同兼顧部分,由專家學者提供專業維護管理辦法,並加入一般民眾實際落維護管理制度,使整體環境在未來有更完善之維護機制。


Taiyuan greenway is Taichung City by Howard Garden City urban planning concept for the planned expansion of the city in 1956, Park Road has been in use for more than 50 years, the internal environment and facilities maintenance and management has been unable to meet users' needs, between 2009-2014, Taichung Government of the overall planning of urban and rural landscape promote Taiwan's demonstration project carried out in three stages of Taiyuan greenway improvement works through the construction and planning Agency. This study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of the improvement works , (a) differences in population with different socio-economic background of the project on the greenway facility in satisfaction of benefits; (b) compare a user for six months after the completion of Park Road with one and half year after comparison of construction quality and maintenance management satisfaction; (c) compare the general public and experts on greenway project benefits importance and satisfaction; (d) the important performance level analysis views the general public and experts in Taiyuan greenway Engineering policy development. In this study, questionnaire survey and analysis, improvement works will be divided into three facets "Improvement", "construction quality" and "maintenance" and every facet contains six facilities factor "Garden facilities", " amenity "," social education facilities, "" services "," accessibility and pavement leveling "and" lighting. " The results showed that the general public (a) Different social background of the general public on the park road engineering efficiency of the facilities satisfaction part of the significant differences; (b) After the completion of one and half of the Park Road construction quality and maintenance management after the completion of satisfaction is higher than half years; (c) the general public and experts compare the effectiveness of importance and satisfaction of the project on Park Road, on three facets cognitive difference between the two is unlikely, but the facility factor but vary; (d) important manifestation of the general public to view the extent of analysis and policy experts and scholars on the development of Taiyuan greenway project, due to the general public to use higher frequencies greenway, Park Road and experts to participate in relevant work experience, but are involved in short-term improvement projects, thus two among those who have their own opinions for greenway.


Greenway Satisfaction IPA


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