  • 學位論文


The Turn-over Rate Improvement of Work-in-process with the Measurement of F Value –A Case Study of the Bicycle Handlebar Manufacturing of J Company

指導教授 : 鄭純媛


本研究以J公司車把手生產線為個案研究,找出適合的生產線物流績效評估指標,並應用抽查方式調查出各加工站的暫存區與庫存量,計算生產線各加工站的物流績效指標F值,最後針對F值較差的加工站,應用ECRS改善手法,建立一套物流績效指標管理機制,並呈現生產線物流績效評估指標之應用與改善過程。 本個案研究使用生產線物流績效衡量指標F值,確實可順利找出生產線在製品堆積嚴重的加工站與暫存區,以了解各加工站是否達到平衡狀態,並進行改善。本研究所建立的「以物流績效指標F值進行PDCA循環改善的模式」可作為類似性質的製造業在改善在製品庫存堆積與生產線平衡等問題的參考。


In this research, using F Value to measure and improve the turn-over rate of work-in-process (WIP) is studied by a case of the of the bicycle handlebar manufacturing of J Company. First, the quantity of each WIP station is investigated by a sampling method. Then, the F value is calculated for each work station. Finally, for the work stations with worse F values are improved by using the skills of ECRS (elimination, combination, rearrangement, simplification). Moreover, using the results of this case study, a continuous improvement mechanism is established for increasing the turn-over rate of the WIP. From the results of this case study, it is shown that the F value can reflect the work station with severe WIP turn-over rate problem and line balancing problem. The established continuous improvement mechanism can be applied to similar industry to improve the WIP turn-over rate.


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