  • 學位論文


Study on Reutilization of Slag from EAF (Electric Arc Furnace) Steel

指導教授 : 章日行 王順成


近年來環保意識強化民眾對於廢棄物再利用的認知,而延伸至近期之爐碴事件,因此本研究主要針對爐碴再利用進行探討,提供爐碴業者正確處理及適當管理方式,以提高業者對爐碴認知及確保消費者使用安全,一般爐碴遇水後其體積膨脹,因此若經資源化再利用於建材上時,須考量其安全性,其資源化產品可經安定化後,使其具有資源化、安全性及再利用之特性,因此本研究以樺勝環保事業股份有限公司(簡稱:樺勝)為研究案例,調查其爐碴膨脹原因及爐碴組成,以探討爐碴再利用之可行性,一般爐碴不安定原因,有三種因素:1.其內不穩定的組成2.鹼度高的溶碴3.顆粒尺寸的影響。若要安全使用爐碴,建議可分成三階段,第一階段為進料分類、分類處理;第二階段為安定化、分級;第三階段為選擇產製產品。本研究針對樺勝先行評估廠內處理程序及產品品質,再分析其爐碴可應用於混凝土建材之部分,最後將粗、細粒料調配成生態材料,製造透水磚及地磚。成品之透水磚測試抗壓強度及透水係數。測試內容為水泥:爐碴比例採用全取代、7:3、1:1三種方式,抗壓強度(kgf/cm2)分別為653、447、210;透水係數(cm/sec) 分別為32.76×10-2、8.15×10-2、7.54×10-2;在地磚部分測試抗壓強度及吸水率,測試內容為水泥:爐碴比例採用全取代、1:1兩種方式,抗壓強度(kgf/cm2)分別為1245、1055;吸水率(%)分別為6.6、6.2。依據公告CNS14995及CNS13295規定,前述之樣品測試均符合標準,因此可證明電弧爐煉鋼氧化碴具有堅硬、耐磨特性,在分類管理下,可以採用選擇性混凝土製品,以確保混凝土安全性。


電弧爐煉鋼 再利用 爐碴


The environmental concepts on people have been improved in recent years. The reuse of waste, such as reuse of slag was carried out. Therefore, this research main discuss about reuse of slag. Then propose the correct management measures to industry. This research report be able to increase cognition and safety of slag industry. The people worried about the slag expansion with water. This reason cause safety problems when using. If the slag via stability test that has environmental protection and energy saving features. This study case was Cheng Sheng Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. There are three reasons for the instability of the ballast: 1. unstable composition; 2. high pH of slag; 3. particle size influences. When obtain the safety slag have been 3 steps. First step was raw material classification. Second step was stability. Third step was select products (quality control). This study evaluation the process program and product quality of slag in the Cheng Sheng Co. The application were concrete building materials. Therefore, slag was classify that about crude and fine. Using the slag to make permeable brick and brick. At permeable brick part testing result as follows: 1. Compressive strength (kgf/cm2) were 653, 447 and 210 when cement and slag ratio were 0:1, 7:3, 1:1, respectively. 2. Permeability coefficient (cm/sec) were 32.76×10-2, 8.15×10-2 and 7.54×10-2 when cement and slag ratio were 0:1, 7:3, 1:1, respectively. The other experiment at brick part testing result as follows: 1. Compressive strength (kgf/cm2) were 1245 and 1055 when cement and slag ratio were 0:1 and 1:1, respectively. 2. Water absorption (%) were 6.6 and 6.2 when cement and slag ratio were 0:1 and 1:1, respectively. The testing results all standards compliant in accordance with CNS14995 and CNS13295 regulations. Therefore, the results prove the slag have hard and wear characteristics. When the product could be selectivity in classification management. The slag could create safety use by people.


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