  • 學位論文


A Design of Sungho Village''s Environmental Visual Objects

指導教授 : 林登立


松鶴部落位於台中縣和平鄉博愛村,原為泰雅族原住民聚落。日治時期日人在此設立理番中心,爾後隨著台灣三大林場之一的八仙山林業作業,帶動了松鶴地區的發展;加上中部横貫公路的修築工程及新移民的進駐,交織出松鶴部落多元的文化背景與豐富的歷史故事。位處中部横貫公路及著名休閒之地-谷關的中繼站,松鶴擁有發展觀光的優勢地理位置;但土石流災區的印象,讓部落的負面的形象成為發展觀光的瓶頸。 筆者於長期在松鶴部落田野調查與協助編寫松鶴文史導覽手冊之啟發,本研究以「將松鶴的文史帶入環境視覺物件中」為主軸,依循著松鶴部落的發展歷程與地方現況,分析出松鶴發展的問題點。接續以人力、文史、土地、產業及景觀等五大面向做為創作的基礎背景,並進行各文化元素的歸納及抽取出最具松鶴代表性之意象元素;最後經由創作設計將松鶴代表元素應用於環境視覺物件的設計中。 本研究的創作成果為:(1)象徵松鶴精神-入口意象創作,(2)說出松鶴故事-壁畫創作,(3) 引導松鶴特色-指示牌創作,(4)松鶴的小小導覽員-解說牌創作。


Sungho village is located at Boai Village, Heping Township, Taichung Country, originally for Atayal aborigines settled. During the Japanese governance of Taiwan, the Japanese set a political center to govern aborigines in Sunho. The government help Sungho village development with Mt.Basian Forest forestry, one of three major forest of Taiwan. Sungho village has diverse cultural and abundant in history by the Central Cross-Island Highway construction and immigrants from other place. Sungho has the advantage of the development of tourism because it’s located at the Central Cross-Island Highway and well-known leisure attractions- the relay station Kukuan. However, the debris flow disaster made a negative impression on people and Sungho was suffered some bottleneck on tourism development. After doing a field research and compiling the history of Sungho village, the study is a fusion of culture and history. It’s analyzed the problems about development in Sungho. This creation is based on five sides of the human resources、culture、land、industry and landscape. The Sungho Village’s symbol elements could be induced and selected. Finally, the culture elements are able to apply to the sight of environment in Sungho Village through creation. Regarding to the creative results, there are four major classifications: (1) symbolic entrance symbolized consciousness of Sungho, (2) wall painting told of Sungho’s history, (3) directional sign showed local characteristic, (4) interpretive sign guided tourists to know the scenic spots.


Chava Frankfort-Nachmias , David Nachmias著,潘明宏、陳志瑋譯,2001,《社會科學研究方法》,韋伯文化事業出版社,台北。
Simon Bell著,張恆輔譯,1997,《景觀中的視覺設計元素》,六合出版社,台北。
