  • 學位論文


The Definition of the High Frequency Operations while Using Interactive Whiteboard in Class

指導教授 : 梁錫卿


拜資訊科技所賜,近年來有許多國家將互動式電子白板(Interactive Whiteboard,IWB)導入課堂教學中,以此工具取代傳統黑板教學模式,除增進課堂間師生的互動性外,也提升了學習者上課的專注程度、學習興趣及學習成效。 雖然相關的研究指出,導入互動式電子白板對學習者的學習成效是有幫助的,但前提是教學者能將互動式電子白板視為有效率且順暢的教學輔助工具,並有效的使用互動式電子白板,做為知識傳達的工具。倘若互動式電子白板使用上操作步驟繁瑣,那麼操作的流暢度將會影響教學者使用互動式電子白板作為知識傳達的有效性,並可能使教學者使用互動式電子白板意願低落,故導入互動式電子白板影響的不僅僅是學習者的學習成效,若想要因為導入互動式電子白板,而對學習者的學習成效有所提升,就必須重視教學者對互動式電子白板教學輔助工具的接受程度,以及教學過程的順暢度。 本研究旨在探討互動式電子白板軟體功能於教學現場的實際使用情況,透過問卷瞭解教學者於課堂中較常使用的功能組合順序、操作頻率較高的功能及使用時的便利性。首先評估現有主流互動式電子白板軟體功能,針對各功能進行整理,進行施測。施測對象為使用過互動式電子白板的教學者,調查教學者於授課時對互動式電子白板功能的操作狀況。最後根據問卷施測結果分析出互動式電子白板軟體之功能組合順序、操作頻率及便利程度。透過此研究結果,提供互動式電子白板軟體功能設設、修改之參考,簡化高頻操作功能流程或步驟,增進教學者對教學工具的接受度,進而提升教學者教學效益及學習者學習成效。


Although introducing Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) is helpful to learners has mentioned in relative researches, the premise is that instructors should take IWB as an efficient and fluent assistant instruction tool, and as a knowledge transmission tool, in the mean time use it efficiently. If the operational steps of IWB are too complicated, it will decrease instructors’ motivation to use it. The fluency of the operation will affect the efficiency of its knowledge transmission function. Therefore, introducing IWB will affect learning performance in this aspect. If one wants to improve learning outcome by introducing IWB, the acceptance of this new assisted instruction tool and the fluency of teaching process should be taken seriously. This study evaluates the present mainstream software function of IWB The items of present mainstream software function are questionnaire’s items, and then carry out related survey. Accessible population is teachers who have used IWB. The purpose is to investigate operating frequency when teachers give lessons using IWB. According to the results of questionnaire, we then conclude the operating frequency of IWB function. Based on this research, we can identify IWB software function to modify and to simplify the steps or process of high-frequency operations and then increase acceptance of IWB as teaching tools and improve the teaching and learning performance.


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