  • 學位論文


Surface Texture Development of Electroforming Craft

指導教授 : 曾永玲


電鑄技術廣泛應用於許多領域上,如醫療行業、工藝品等,已不僅侷限於模具製作上。電鑄技術應用於工藝品製作方式多為母模表面的金屬沉積,採用容易加工之材料進行母模製作,再針對母模表面進行金屬沉積。電鑄技術應用於工藝品之表面紋理呈現上之需求為二,一為精細質感的呈現、二為有機質感呈現。 精細質感呈現目前使用沉積金屬於母模外層之方法進行製作,若母模表面紋路細小,在電鑄沉積層包覆後,紋路精細度會與母模有差異;金屬沉積物需具有一定的厚度之沉積層才有支撐效果,但過厚的厚度則會造成沉積物之尺寸與母模不同;母模輪廓外型差異太大或突出物太多時易造成金屬沉積厚度不均,製作出厚度較厚之沉積層則會出現局部長晶之問題。因此本研究提出沉積金屬於母模內層於精細質感的呈現需求之翻模電鑄方法;有機質感呈現即可應用電鑄技術之晶粒排列特性進行製作,因此針對長晶電鑄之控制條件進行實驗。 針對電鑄技術應用於工藝品之表面紋理需求研究結論如下: 1.需精細完整複製細小紋路之工藝品即可使用沉積金屬於母模內層 之技術製作。 2.沉積金屬於母模內層之技術可製作基本型態相同但多個紋理不同 之工藝品。 3.工藝品有機紋理呈現之需求可使用長晶電鑄製作。並可改變其五項控制條件以得到晶體排列不同即形狀不同之效果。


Electroforming technology is widely used in not only the production mold but also many other fields, such as the medical industry and crafts. The metrology to apply electroforming technology to crafts are mostly metal deposition on the surface of the fundamental mold , which is achieved by using the easy-processing materials to produce the fundamental mold, and then deposit there on. There are two demands for applying electroforming technology to the surface texture of the work: 1) the dedicate texture; 2) the organic texture. Currently, the dedicate texture is manufactured by depositing metal on the outer layer of the fundamental mold. If the surface texture of the fundamental mold is too fine, the exquisite of the texture will be different from the fundamental mold after being covered by the electroforming deposition layer. A certain thickness of the metal deposition layer is required to achieve its basic structure. However, different thickness will make the size of the product different from the fundamental mold. Therefore, this study aims to meet the requirement for depositing metal inside the fundamental mold to present the dedicate texture. The organic texture will be manufactured by applying the particle layout feature of electroforming metal. Hence, the experiment for controlling the metal particle growth conditions is conducted. 1.To achieve the dedicate texture, the technique to deposit metal inside the fundamental mold can be deployed 2.The technique to deposit metal inside the basement mold can manufacture works with the same basic structure but different surface textures. 3.To meet the requirement of forming the organic texture on the work, organic electroforming technology may be applied. Five controllable conditions can be adjusted to obtain different particle alignments, hence, different results.


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