  • 學位論文


The Research on Synthetic Assessment of Domestic Violence Assailants

指導教授 : 黃松林


本研究目的於探討家庭暴力相對人之整體性評估表運用現況;針對家庭暴力相對人整體性評估表之適用性進行信效度分析;針對家庭暴力相對人致命危險、再犯可能、可改變性三部分之建構作為後續處遇建議之工具。 本研究專家效度之德菲法施測二次專家意見,二次問卷回收皆16份。以及透過研究者工作場域於個案結束社工服務後,運用整體性評估表來評估家庭暴力相對人狀況,共回收37份。 本研究結果:專家效度之信度分析,在致命危險性評估、再犯可能性評估、可改變性評估三面向之兩次施測整體Cronbach''s α值皆已達.8以上。專家效度之獨立樣本T 檢定,致命危險性評估計1~15題P值皆達<0.05,皆有顯著性差異;再犯可能性評估計22題,只有第13題未達P<0.05,未具鑑別度;可改變性評估計8題,第2、8題兩題未達P<0.05,未具鑑別度,其他則達顯著。實務場域之迴歸分析,有進入迴歸模型分析,致命危險性評估第6、8、9、12題,計四題;再犯可能性評估第9、10題、13、14、20、22題,計六題;在可改變性評估第5、6、7題,計三題。 運用社工在各量表評量結果之總分與是否再犯,進行卡方統計量、獨立樣本T檢定、邏輯迴歸模型三種分析,結果分別為:致命危險評估之卡方值達70.048,達顯著性水準;再犯可能性評估之卡方值達28.824,達顯著性水準,顯示兩量表具有相當的效度。其次,致命危險評估之其T檢定值為-6.551,達極顯著之水準;再犯可能性評估之T檢定值為-5.652,達極顯著之水準;可改變性之T檢定值為4.328,達顯著正向之水準。最後,致命危險性量表總分之Beta值為-.503,其顯著性達.001;再犯可能性量表總分之Beta值為-.270,其顯著性達.046;可改變性量表總分之Beta值為.184,未顯著性之水準.395。三個量表在實務運用上,能夠與個案現象與特質相呼應,特別在致命危險性與再犯可能性兩量表中,具有參考價值。 因此,整體性評估表是可作為服務家庭暴力相對人之專業人員之參考,本研究建議可思考使用整體性評估表之時機點,無論使用於個案處遇結束或者剛接觸個案初期,其整體性評估表對專業人員之功能而有所不同。再者,編製整體性評估表實施手冊,讓新進接觸家暴相對人之專業人員在腦袋裡對個案有評估知識的概念,能夠有效掌握個案狀態,可作為專業人員評估自身安全之工具之一。


The purpose of the research is to explore the uses of synthetic assessment scales of domestic violence assailants. The reliability and validity of the applicability on these scales were analyzed. Domestic violence assailants were assessed by using fatal danger scale, the recidivism risk scale, and changeable assessment sacle through experience social workers in order to set up the tools for their follow-up treatment. First of all, Delphi methods were conducted twice in order to test the expert validity. 16 experts responded the scales accordingly. Three new scales were then determined. 37 domestic violence assailants were tested by using fatal danger, the recidivism risk, and changeable assessment sacles through the experience social workers. The results of the research were stated as follows: The Cronbach''s α value of three scales were more than .80 and CR value between lowest 25% and highest 25% of most of items in three scales were different significantly, except the item 13 of the recidivism risk sacle and the item 2 and 8 in the changeable assessment sacle were no significant difference. In addition, while the total score of the fatal danger scale was the dependent variable, the item 6, 8, 9 and 12 entered into the regression model. It showed that these four items were the main factors that predicted the dependent variable. While the total score of the recidivism risk scale became the dependent variable, the item 9, 10, 13, 14, 20 and 22 entered into the regression model. It showed that these six items were the main factors that predicted the dependent variable. Moreover, the item 5, 6, and 7 entered into the regression model while the total score of the changeable scale became the dependent variable. It showed that these three items were the main factors that predicted the dependent variable. In practical assessment through social workers, three scales were proved to be effective to predict the possibilities of fatal danger and the recidivism risk. In conclusion, three scales may be adopted in the professional domestic violence assailant assessment. Some suggestions were proposed in the conclusion as well.


